Monday, October 6, 2014

Do I want the life that's up ahead? or the one I left behind?

(The Final) HELLO!

  Considering myself to be a pretty stable person, I find it completely out of my character to have any kind of mental break down. I would say the closest I get is a mini panic attack, which I would describe as a flood of anxiety washing over me and consuming my very soul...? I've found in these moments the largest bucket to bail out all this excess stress, is when I rely on Gods promised gift of the Comforter. After being hit by one of these floods this week , with the realization that my world I've built up for the past 18-months would undergo some serious changes in the coming days, I turned to that Gift. I feel that there is no faster way to invite the spirit into my life than to pray and receive a priesthood blessing. I am grateful that in the area I now serve, I have 2 sets of elders whose priesthood I can call upon. After receiving a blessing from  my District Leader I remembered a poem that had brought me comfort once before. It was sent to me in a package from the youth in my home ward, but sadly was written by an anonymous author, entitled "the mission". It begins with a new missionary boarding a plane, after a tearful goodbye to their family and friends. Now alone with their thoughts the missionary asks a question that could be applied to anyone beginning a new adventure "Do I want the life that's up ahead? or the one I left behind?" Later we read of this same missionary, who has now come to love their time of service, once again boarding a plane. With tear filled eyes, they ask "Do I want the life that's up ahead? Or the one that's left behind?" 
 What a deep sense of peace filled my heart as I read and pondered this poem. I can't help but smile as I remember how anxious and inadequate I felt while beginning my first few months as a missionary. Now, all I feel is confidence and high levels of self worth as I know My Heavenly Father is pleased with the work I've done. My mission has been spent building up sandbags walls around my testimony so when Satan comes with "His mighty winds, yea his shafts in the whirl wind, yea, when all his hail and mighty storm shall beat upon,  me it shall have no power over me" (Helaman 5:12). I have been given all the tools and preparation for the rest of my life, I am a forever strong missionary of the California Fresno Mission and I want the life that's up ahead!

Sister Julie Anne LeStarge

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Can You Talk?

As my Samoan companion would say,


This week has been  hectic! Isn't every week that way as a missionary? Well this week has been especially hectic! I can't tell you how many trips we made to and from Fresno! It's been a busy driving week...which makes this sister tired! At one point we had to pull over and take a 10 minute nap because I was falling asleep at the wheel!! Dangerous stuff. 
 We received a wonderful training for all the missionaries training and being trained. We were given some wonderful counsel by President Clark (who I absolutely love!), and even had some break off time to meet as trainers and discuss how it's been going. As we went around the "power circle" I wasn't surprised to hear some trainers express their struggles in training (remembering how much of a brat I was to my trainer long ago). When it came my turn, I looked around the room and said "Well, I'm sorry you're all having struggles ,but my trainee is great!! The only thing I can't get her to do is correct me! and that's because she thinks I'm perfect!" (which I'm still trying to show her all of my countless flaws). It was a good discovery time though with all the other trainers, I learned there are a whole lot of things  I'm doing well, and even more things I need to change in order to see that Sister Maukeni has the best opportunities grow and improve. 
  At the end of the day I was standing next to a sister who carpooled up with us, ( one I love and adore and feel is probably a lost child of my parents) and we were talking to a set of elders sitting down. While my temporary companion was talking to one elder, his companion, a new elder from mexico with a thick accent said "Sister, can you talk?"....Knowing very well that I could, I was confused by his question and said "Yes elder ,I can talk"....he goes on "Well, will...will you...will you talk to me?" Oh that poor little Elder, I had to keep in my laughter because I knew he was working on his english but it was just the funniest way to have started a conversation. He later expressed how on his first day in the mission he remembered role playing with me, and he was so amazed with how fast I could talk. He said "one day I will talk as fast as you! I can do it in spanish, but not in english" day elder, one day. 

The work goes on here in the CFM! I know every experience I have here is preparing me for something great the Lord has in store for me. I love my mission, but I love the Lord even more for calling me to the work!

Sister LeStarge. 

You're Stuck With Me Forever


I've gotten in the habit of saying that as I run the streets in the morning, but most times people just look at me like I'm a nut. Anyways! I had probably most sacred spiritual moment on my mission this week. I got to see the Calaways (the family I taught a year ago) get sealed! It really was the most beautiful thing in this world. I've always had a testimony of families being together forever, but witnessing that just solidified my knowledge. Having never seen a sealing before it was really neat.
     Sister Sims (my trainer) was able to fly in for it, which made it even more special for me because I stink'n love that girl!!! We along with two other couples from Dry Creek were able to attend (not even the poor sister who drove me was invited in). It was so small and so perfect. We sat and waited for the couple to come in, and they were sealed together first as husband and wife for time and all eternity!!! I balled the whole time! What a sweet thing to see those to be sealed! I consider them to be my mission parents so it was really a tender moment. Their children were then brought in and sealed to their parents. Again, another touching moment to see a family I love and hold so dear to me come together, and be sealed. When the whole family was together I sniffled and sniffed, the just sobbed! Mostly because of how wonderful it was, but partly because of their missing family member who I also love so dearly. At the end the sealer did invite them to do all they could to get their whole family to join them as a sealed family, so I found comfort in that. In the end everyone was balling and just so filled with joy and the Spirit. I'll never forget the mother embracing one of her daughters, and with tears in her eyes saying "You're stuck with me forever!" They're all stuck together forever! What a wonderful day. I'm so blessed to have been able to experience all of this!! How many missionaries get to teach a family, see them enter into the waters of baptism and then a year later witness their sealing?! Not too many!! I love this family. I love the gospel. I know that family relationships can last through all eternity with nothing to break their bond. 

Love you all! (forever!)

Sister LeStarge

Families are Forever

Temples and Samoans

Oh Hey! 

This week has been such a bittersweet week in my mission!! After being called to be a trainer and receiving my new companion (Sister Maukeni from Samoa) I realized that as I train her in her first 12 weeks (a fairly new program all missionaries go through) I am counting down my own 12 weeks of my mission! Though I'm SUPER excited to be a trainer, I'm also a bit sad as my own mission comes to a close. However, I don't think of that often because I've made a goal that I WILL NOT be a trunky trainer!  With that, I have the MOST AMAZING Trainee!! Sister Maukeni is the greatest!!! She's so fantastic! I see a lot of the missionary that I was in her when I first came out, the only difference is that she is FAR more humble than I. I believe she'll be so much more than I ever was as she continues on in her mission. I've been praying she'd have a desire to be exactly obedient  and she's proven to be! She follows every rule I've notified her of, with no sense of attitude or complaint! On her first full day in the field we stopped to get gas. I explained that typically I would pump gas and she would go out and contact people. She first expressed feelings of anxiety but with a little encouragement was sent on her way. I watched as she approached the first person she saw... she knocked on a car window, waited for the man to roll it down then proceeded to talk to him! I know missionaries that have been out far longer than her, and don't have enough courage to do that!! I was expecting to have her come back and report to me what happened, but instead she walked right on to the next person and the next person! How wonderful is she! We have also seen a plethora of miracles come as we've been working on our finding. We've been welcomed back into several homes and even taken it to the next level by inviting members to come with us to our follow up appointments. She is a greater example to me than I am to her, and I am grateful she has such great faith, which challenges mine to greater heights!
 I had the opportunity to attend the temple twice this week!! How blessed am I to have a temple so close to me in my mission!? Very blessed! I love the temple! It's the greatest place ever! This week I got a call from the family I got to teach and watch be baptized, they informed me THEY'RE BEING SEALED IN THE TEMPLE!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!! Best.Day.Ever! Not only do I get to see my adopted family be sealed, but my trainer is flying in to come too!!! I"M SO EXCITED! This is what being a missionary is all about! This is that joy thats talked about in the scriptures! It's the greatest! Not many missionaries get to experience a family go through that whole process! I'm so very blessed to have had such wonderful opportunities in my mission! 

I love you all!
Kia Kaha!
Sister LeStarge

Time to step up

Oh Hey!

  It's that time again, Transfer calls have come and past and I made it through another round in my area (not like I was going anywhere with my companion leaving and all...). This time though I was asked to be a trainer! Sup, Sup, I was asked to step up! I'm super excited because what better way is there to stay focused than training? I know the Lord will guide me to help this new Sister fall into place in the CFM.

 LeStarge Siblings! If you've got any tips for me let me know!

Sorry this one is short! 

I love you all! 

Sister LeStarge

Snakes, Baptisms and Goodbyes

Well hello again! 

This week was pretty epic with so much going on. I feel like my mission has been put on ultra speed these past few weeks. With a new area, president leaving a new one coming and 2 baptisms theres been no time for dilly dally!
  This week while in a lesson my companion met her worst enemy! All transfer she's been killing spiders for me (as they're a fear of mine) finally I asked her "Sister, you're so brave! but I want to know what you're afraid of?" She replied "snakes", a creature I feel like I'm not too particularly frightened of. While sitting in our investigators house, trying to answer some questions our investigator had, regarding the Word of Wisdom we heard a crash behind us. I looked back to see the DVD player and surrounding movies scattered all over the floor. Right in the middle of the pile, alive and moving, was a snake! Feeling a little stressed, my companion jumped to her feet and took several steps away from the area, while I moved to the edge of my seat. The investigator informed us he knew the whole time that the snake would get out and might try to come near us...a little warning might have been nice, don't ya think?...after moving the snake back into it's home, I notice that the table the cage was placed on was not actually a table, it was an even larger snake cage! Filled with an even larger snake! let's just say for various reasons my companion and I will not be going back to his home....
We had a wonderful experience with our investigator Ivy, who was baptized this weekend!! Her husband is a member, coming back into activation in the church and they have a 7 year old son. It's the best feeling ever to unite a family into the gospel!! Her baptism was small (she's pretty shy) and so perfect for her. We were able to have a small lunch in after, where she told us the baptism was all she expected it to be and more! It was a perfect day :) however, now we've baptised everyone in our teaching pool! We've got to get to work finding more of the Lord's children to bring into the gospel.
For the past few weeks we've been anticipating the departure of our dear sweet mission president. The day has finally arrived for him to leave! I've been so blessed to have the same president for the bulk of my mission and I shed a tear or two for President Gelwix and his wife as they left. He is such a powerful president who has taught me what no other person could have taught me, exact obedience. His diligent teachings of basic principles have instilled in me how important it is to abide by the rules the Lord has set, with no exceptions. How I love President Gelwix :) I will miss him. 

Kia Kaha in the CFM!

Sister LeStarge

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Where am I?


Turns out Hanford is a completely different world than Fresno! All week long I've been asking my companion "Sister...where am I?" We live in a little apartment (same complex as our Zone leaders and District leader) that is filled with these bugs they call "June bugs" BUT THEY"RE NOT JUNE BUGS! They're these giant ugly yellow looking cockroaches! They're about the size of my thumb and they run all over! Sick, sick, sick!! I'll squash them all! We also don't have AC in our apartment except for the one room we sleep in...helps on days that it's 109 like today! I also thoroughly enjoy the sound of the train that passes by every couple hours...Sister, we're not in Fresno anymore! BUT aside from all that, I really love it down here! I don't have anything to complain about :) I love this area, people are a little more humble down here, which seems to help us find more success. We've got two baptisms set, one for the 21st (he needs to come to church once more), and one for the 28th (she's all set!). People seem to be much more willing to listen to us then in my last areas. We cover an area that to me is large, but then again I only have previous areas to compare it to. 

We forgot we have an appointment!! AH!! Sorry this was short! Got to run!!!

Love you!
Sister LeStarge

I'm finally spreading my wings

​GOOOOD MORNING! As President Gelwix likes to say, "It's a great day to be a Mormon Missionary."

I had quite the fantastic weekend if I do say so myself! CASSIE GOT BAPITZED!! Baptisms are the greatest things in the whole wide world!! Someone just entered the gates to salvation! Who could ask for something better than that? It's no wonder she went around all week telling people "The greatest day of my life is coming up!" What a wonderful day:) She was blessed to have such a great turn out from the ward (something needed since her family isn't exactally the most supportive). When she was handing out invitations for her baptism she thought to invite a man her families company gets their supplies from, when he asked her "what church are you being baptized in?" she was a little hesitant to say LDS (as she had been getting grief from everyone she has previously invited) the man perked right up and said "I'm LDS too!". He was able to bring his wife and family. She also had support from her Chiropractor who she had always admired for being strong in our faith. Other than those two people and their families, only her ward family was in attendance, but they love and adore her so that's all the support she needs. After the meeting several members commented on the spirit felt in her service. The best part was when she came up out of the water, fist pumped and cried "WOOHOO!" YES! Woohoo is right! You got baptized Cassie! My favorite part of her baptism though was when she bore her testimony. She told us of how she thinks relationships are the most important things, and how she had been neglecting her relationship with Christ. She at one point said "Christ has been knocking on the door of my heart for a long time now, and now that I'm baptized I've finally let Him in". She's not someone who just stumbled upon the happiness found in the church, she's truly committed to the Gospel. We had dinner with her that night, and she told us how when we first met her she was pretty busy and didn't really feel she had time to meet with us. However, because we were such nice girls she didn't want to disappoint us so she came to church to please us. Well the jokes on her because she loved church from the first day she attended! You just need to feel the spirit a little to get hooked :) It was over all a wonderful baptism.
  The next great part of my weekend was....drum roll please! I"M BEING TRANSFERED! I'm SO stink'n excited!!! I thought for sure I'd be spending my whole entire mission in Fresno but now I get to spread my wings!!! I've been hoping for a long time to see other parts of the all of my dreams are coming true. They'll be moving me Wednesday down to Hanford, which is the mid-southern part of the mission. I hear the water smells like rotten eggs but I don't even care because I'm getting out!! I'll be companions with Sister Bee, who was trained by the very same trainer I had! She'll be with me for one transfer then be on her way home, so it's time to learn a new area fast!

Have to run.
Sister LeStarge

She Did It!!

Kurt Kuhn (baptized 2 years ago a great missionary) Cassie, Sister Olson (who found Cassie with me at the gas station) Me, Sister Ard (who taught Cassie with me)


Thursday, May 29, 2014

Temple Day!

Our zone at the temple! It wasn't until after the picture that I realized I forgot my tag in the dressing room....oops!

Saturday is a Special Day

Happy Temple Day!

Isn't the Temple just the greatest place ever? I'm so glad (and blessed) that we get to go every quarter in our mission!

Well, just as the primary song goes "Saturday is a special day!" because WE'RE BAPTIZING!!!! It's the greatest thing ever to find, teach and baptize one of our Heavenly Fathers children! We've finished teaching the lessons to our investigator and she's all set, just pray she passes her baptismal interview!! This week we had a great relief society activity that she not only attended but invited a friend to! Not even a member of the church yet and already sharing the gospel as much as she can!! I LOVE when my investigators share the gospel, it helps remind me that yes the gospel IS very exciting!!

I'm running short on time but I love you all and am excited for transfer calls this Saturday! Perhaps I'll finally leave the heart of Fresno!

Love you!
Sister LeStarge

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Devil's Work-Out

Hey There,

   This week has proven to be the most painful week on my mission yet! While on exchanges this week I quickly realized I forgot my shoes for our morning (required 20 minute) run! Without shoes I locked my companion and I into the members back yard to do some kind of home-made workout...that was my mistake. Standing on the patio barefoot I felt great as I proceeded to do 50 jumping-jacks! Then using a narrow strip of cement pathway I tried lunges. Another 50 jumping-jacks, some high knee jumps, more lunges, more jumping-jacks and so on, and so on. I worked up quite a sweat and felt better than I did after a run! Feeling pretty proud of myself I hit the shower. It probably didn't even take an hour for me to realize I made the biggest mistake of my life by forgetting to stretch properly before and after...muscles aren't very merciful. I've struggled going up and down the flight of stairs to our apartment, getting in and out of the car and even carrying my bag on my sore shoulder! Jumping-jacks are the devil's work-out. For the past few weeks as my companion has been in Physical Therapy all the while I've had to massage out knots in her back. This week the tables turned as she dug her fingers into my shoulders, back and legs trying to work out my knots....companions aren't very merciful either...
    This week I also experienced the most amount of anxiety I've ever felt in my life! We had set up Saturday for one of our members to pick up our investigator for church. Come Sunday morning though, she informed the member she would drive herself and meet us all there. 15 minutes before sacrament started she let us know she was still coming and would be there ASAP! We waited patiently as church started. Half way through the meeting she still wasn't there! We again texted her to ask If she was on her way. 10 minutes before the meeting ended she plopped down next to us. What a relief! She was able to stay for the following two meetings, which was perfect because she got to meet so many members!  She felt very loved as most members mentioned how they had heard a lot about her and had been praying for her. After church got out we asked her if she had a time this week we could meet with her to prepare her further for baptism, she suggested right then! Instead we took her to the next wards sacrament informing her she needed to attend two sacrament meetings before her baptism. She now meets the requirements! Next week She'll be coming to church on time to hear my companion and I perform a musical number via cello and ask me how I got talked into that one...

Have a great week!
l Love you all and am praying for you!

Sister LeStarge 

Monday, May 5, 2014

Atheists and Dead Dogs

Bonjour! (look at me thinking up new ways to say hello to you!)

Well as always we had some pretty outrageous adventures this week!! It's always an exciting day to be a Mormon missionary! You don't even have time to blink or you might miss something ;) I of course had a fabulous 21st birthday!! When I say "fabulous" I really mean "well fed" it turns out when you tell people its your birthday as a missionary, odds are they'll hand you some kind of food...mine was no exception! I started my day off right with a nice brunch! courtesy of sweet members who took us out. I continued through my day with eating Ribs....twice! Which I have to admit made me feel like it was my birthday because its my birthday meal every year.  Then just before I thought my day was done I got delicious angel food cake and strawberries! Can't have a birthday with out cake! Even though I like pie much more....Over all though it was a great missionary birthday!!
The excitement doesn't stop there though! While driving this week my companion and I found a miracle! We received a text from a number requesting we meet with them and share the lessons! HOT DOG! Some one wants to hear from us! WE were able to make it to their home just an hour later only to find out it was a single man! Shoot, cant exactly walk right into his home...the Lord blessed us though to have a recently called ward missionary available at that moment!! We picked her up and sped back to his house! While getting to know him we learned his girlfriend is a member of another ward, and they've been dating for some time now. He being atheist has a lot of questions he would ask her, and she finally feeling overwhelmed turned him over to us. He's very open to learning and discovering truth. We have high hopes of building Faith in him in Jesus Christ, though we feel he'll be a little bit of a challenge.
 Another one of our investigators was unable to come to church this week, which was a bummer considering we had lunch with her the day prior and she assured us she'd be there. On easter she went to adopt a dog from the SPCA and was unable to make it to church for that reason....yesterday she couldn't make it to church because the very dog she had just adopted died!! Not feeling too upset because she had just adopted her, she needed to still take care of the body by having it cremated. Still sad for her though....on a more positive note, one of our neighbors who is like a dad to us, and is constantly feeding us, adopted a puppy this week!! A sweet little bundle of fluff. He's agreed to let us do him a service by taking the little thing for a walk everyday! He's a little Australian Shepherd. While playing with him he practically gnawed my arm off with is little razors in his mouth so now I look like some animal mauled me!  Oh the love I have for little puppies....

It was yet another great week though! I know my mission has caused me to have a "mighty change of heart". I know I am being blessed more than I know by serving my Lord each day. Its a privilege to be here!

Sister LeStarge

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Easter and Baptisms

Well I guess Happy Belated Easter everyone?!
It's a pretty great day to be a Mormon missionary. Really everyday is but today especially! We had a pretty great week this week with the only down fall of the dreaded transfer calls, that are tearing my beloved companion Sister Olson away from me. How sad. 
  This week was a wonderful week as we prepared for Easter! We attended a baptism for our district leader's area, in which we invited one of our most promising investigators. The baptism was suppose to  be held at 7:30 but got pushed to 8:15 because of another baptism that went over (in fact we had 3 baptisms that day for our zone but the first went late so they all ran over on time). It ended up being perfect timing because our investigator was late! She loved the service and really felt the spirit. Although we had to explain what the spirit was to her since she could only describe it as a good feeling. It was a great baptism, full of the spirit due to the investigator having had a major change of life while in the process of investigating. Our investigator loved the whole thing and committed to be baptized at the end! Now we just have to teach her the lessons! 
Our Easter was pretty wonderful as well. We had a wonderful "passover" dinner at our bishops house (with his 5 sons all under the age of 12 who are quite the rambunctious crew). Usually the family eats that meal the Thursday before Easter, but being out of town this week they moved it to actual Easter day! It was quite the experience. We were also blessed to get a giant Easter basket! I love young married couples with no children! The same sister who cut my hair for me, delivered us a giant basket full of candies (that I've already given away), shower gels, expensive hair products and more! It was quite wonderful!
We had a wonderful week and I am grateful to be here in the CFM serving my Lord and God!
I love and miss you
Sister LeStarge

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

New haircut!

Sister Olson, Sister Crandall and me, after Conference. I got a free haircut from a member this week!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Good Week

Hello Everyone! 

I hope everyone had a good week like I did! I was able to see some pretty amazing miracles, get some wonderful training and take another trip to the zoo! Over all I'd said it was a pretty good week. 
My companion and I got a strange call this week from the Coordinating Sisters (like the girl versions of the assistants) who asked to go on exchanges with us. Thrown off just a little at the purpose of this exchange we readily excepted. Exchanges are good no matter who they're with. They later explained going on exchanges with all sisters was one of their goals (we have 60 sisters now), so who are we to fight them!? I got to go with a sister who had previously been my Sister Trainner Leader, so we know how the other operates and I happen to love her! While in my area  we got to see a whole bunch of little miracles! 
#1 We tried to stop by on one of our investigators only to find him not home, instead of feeling down on ourselves we tried talking to his dad. He was very polite and willing to listen. In the end we invited him to sit in on the lessons with his son! There's potential there! 
#2 We went to have lunch with a member and his non-member wife. While we established she wasn't quite ready to have the lessons taught to her, we again chose not to throw a pitty party as we discovered her love and interest in Family History! It just so happens that the Family History Consultant for the ward is her husbands home teacher, and he's a convert from the religion she's familiar with! That's no coincidence! 
#3 We visited a recent convert and at the end of our lesson we asked if there was anyone she knew we could visit. She and her husband offered to take us next door to meet a neighbor and while she wasn't home we ran into another neighbor who said we could stop by! 

Thought these are all such small things I consider them little miracles! If you change your attitude you can see things in such a different light! We also had a really great training this week by President Gelwix, which is always inspiring. I know I learned so much from the spirit! My favorite part was dissecting our Patriarchal Blessings! We took a different apporach by praying and asking for understanding while we read our blessings. My blessing took on a whole new meaning when I did that! And can I just say I'm pretty awesome, it's all written on the paper! I encourage everyone to do that too! 
My final excitement for the week was going to the zoo! Round 2! Our zone took a trip today and it was such fun! I got to feed stingrays, touch sharks and also feed giraffes! What an interactive zoo! I'll be sure to send pictures next week! The computer I'm using at the moment is having some personal struggles. 
Stay strong and remember

Love you! 

Sister LeStarge

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


 I got to hold a chicken! A lot of people have chickens in their backyard. He was so little and cute!
 We found snow-in-a-can!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Is that a weasel or a badger?


  Well I got my new companion this week and I LOVE HER! Sister Olson (from Soda Springs Idaho the smallest town ever)  has been out for about 8 months and we've got communication down flat already! Something we've both struggled a bit with, with our previous companions. So right from the start we decided we would do our best at expressing our thoughts! What a great exercise! I'm so glad I get to work with her this transfer! 
  We started our companionship with me questioning whether I should be a vet tech or not! One evening we were contacting a referral who we found not home, as we were walking back to our car we passed a big fenced in field where we spotted a funny little animal. I stopped and noticed it's black and white coloring and asked "Is that a badger?!" looking closer I saw it had a longer neck and took back my last statement. Then my companion asked "Is that a Weasel?" Both feeling very confused at the little thing, we watched it closer to notice it do a little hop! What a strange little thing! We walked closer only to realize we're both challenged with identifying animals because it was a little lamb....Perhaps I should talk to my nieces and nephews to learn a thing or two about basic farm animals....
I had an amazing miracle happen in my area this week! One of our investigators we hadn't heard from in over a week, and we were getting a little worried. In our morning companionship prayer we pleaded with the Lord to help us make contact with her this week. Sure enough just an HOUR later she called us! She explained she had lost our number but wanted to make contact as she had been doing the reading we asked her too. She asked us to meet with her right then! We hurried over to her office and met with her in a conference room. By the end of the discussion we invited her to be baptized and she accepted on the condition that she knew what we taught was true! We hope to schedule a date with her next time around! What an awesome tender mercy for our area! 
We were also able to get another investigator this week! He's met with elders in years before. He's a recovering alcoholic of 9 months and is searching to gain a spiritual understanding. We had an awesome recent covert come with us who was able to connect with him so well! I still thing having members come with you is the best thing to help these people come to Christ...out of the mouth of ...3 witnesses! 
To add more to my great week I was a winner! I've recently become a giant Jamba Juice fan and one day this week my companion and I decided to make a Jamba run. We were given a scratch off card and I won a free small smoothie! Whoop whoop! I'm a winner! Free things are always exciting for missionaries....

My mission is starting to roll faster and faster, I'm blown away with another week having come and gone! I miss you each and love you! Have a productive week!


What a week!

Hello everyone!

Well this week was as hectic as usual for me! I had some pretty great experiences this week that built my faith, and made me laugh!
    This past Wednesday we had district meeting where we participated in a "real play". It's one of my favorite things to do, it's similar to a role play but instead of acting as someone else you just act as yourself! I got to "real play" with an elder where I expressed to him some concerns I was having about finding in my area. He gave me a promise that if I would prayerfully look through my Former Investigators section of my area book that I would find someone who was prepared to be baptized THIS MONTH! So I put it to the test! My companion and I went through our formers section and found a whole list of people we wanted to see. The first few houses proved to be of no luck so on we went. We finally knocked on the door of a man who had previously been taught by elders and was ready to take up the challenge of being taught the lessons again! So we set up an appointment for this Wednesday and we're very excited to have found a new investigator! What a great promise inspired by the Lord!
   I had a good laugh this week from my companion as we've been preparing for transfers. She had asked president several times if she could train ( this would be her last chance to train before finishing her mission) and he agreed that he would take it into consideration. I thought I was a goner for sure! But as we waited and waited the call didn't come...until President called us and asked to speak to my companion "in private" She walked into the other room and all I could hear was "yes" "yes president" "of course"....So my heart started racing! I was going to leave?!  then finally I heard "so does this mean I'll be leaving my area?" "Thank you President." When she walked back into the room she explained she would be re-training a sister in the mission who was sick for her first 12 weeks and didn't get to experience everything she should have. The best part was (for me) that she was leaving the area! So I made it past this transfer yet again in my area. I couldn't help but laugh because I thought (along with many others) that I would be leaving the area, when it turns out my companion is! But she did request it so she's been a good sport about it!
   With my companion leaving we had set up a great experience a week prior (just incase one of us got transferred) for us to go to Sequoia National Park! It's beautiful up there! Those trees are so Gigantic and amazing! I can't even comprehend how long it took them to grow! On a sign on one of the trails it mentioned when they cut one down it was estimated to be 3,300 years old! I didn't think I'd be so fascinated with trees! I'll have to admit though they were pretty incredible. On the way home we also had some time to check out this place called "Cat Haven" a place where they keep/hold small and large wild Cats. We took a tour of the place which was about an hour of walking from cage to cage and got pretty close to some of those Cats!( much closer than you would get if you were at a zoo). At one point a worker noticed our tour guide trying to get the Siberian Tigers attention, so she hopped the rope and started running back and forth down the length of the cage. I guess this Tiger liked this worker the most because she got her to run and play with her! She even reached in the cage and scratched her ears! Not something you see everyday! She went on to say that worker raised her and the Tiger was still pretty young so they had a little bond. Big Trees and Big Cats all in one day! It was a whole lot of excitement, and I'm sure I'll go back one day.

I've got to run though! My time is just about up!

Have a great week!

Sister LeStarge

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Happy 100th Birthday!

Hey There!
Another week already? I've been told time just flies by once you get to the second half of your mission and its true! We've got conference coming up next month! I can remember last year being in the MTC for April conference and now its here again! Holy smokes that happened in the blink of an eye!
Well this week we had some pretty great things happen! We found a new investigator who has some great potential! Whoohoo! It's a true miracle when we find those! She was referred to us from Church Headquarters... where she was referred to by a member in Arizona. I find her story to be a bit funny (the Lord has his hand in all things!)She's a single mother who was signed onto a dating website, where she accidentally put "Christian-LDS" as her faith. The man in Arizona who referred her to us began their "friendship" via this dating website. As they were talking she used terms like "testimony" and "Heavenly Father" so he of course thought she was LDS. Eventually she figured out her mistake and let  him know she didn't belong to our faith. But! being the good missionary this man was he challenged her to take the lessons!  Brownie points for him in Heaven! So there we are sitting in her living room! She's a great woman who shows genuine interest in the Gospel. Unfortunately we've only met with her once, because she's so busy raising her kids, caring for her mom with disabilities (who lives with her), and working full time. We'll get back in the door and She'll be the miracle we've been praying for!
On Wednesday of this week we got to go to a very exciting party for...a 100 year old! ha! Not something you get to go to everyday! This sweet little woman in our ward lived to be 100! and she's still sharp as a tack! It was interesting to see how much she has lived through. Born the year of the Titanic sinking, the depression was in her prime years, out lived 2 husbands, and had 4 sons. She's accomplished quite a bit, including serving a mission! She told us that while she was serving in the southern states mission (as a young sister) she  had a knock at her door. When she opened the door there was an old suitor standing there who invited himself in! He was worried she wouldn't be available after her mission. After some time she convinced him he needed to leave and that the visit was inappropriate. It turned out that he was a missionary at the same time and left his area to come visit her! (I'm not sure if he was in the same mission or not) Of course he was disobedient and thus sent home after that little act. Later her Land Lord came and dismissed her and her companion from the home after seeing a man enter their quarters unannounced. Being upset with no where to go they went to a members home (who was the town Brewer and Bartender) and he saved the day by explaining what had really happened to the Land Lord. Well, I'm not sure I'd like to live to be 100 but it does give you some pretty exciting stories to tell!
     Our last grand adventure of the week was having Elder Alonzo of the Seventy come talk at Stake Conference. The Saturday night adult session was all about Hastening the Work. It was awesome to hear such a spiritually powerful man make promises to the people when they do their part in missionary work. As he did that he had all the missionaries come up and stand next to him on the stand...and then do you know what he did?! He made us all sing! Whilly Nilly! Just like that! "Okay Elders and Sisters why don't you sing one verse of I am a Child of God." So being the exactly obedient missionaries that we are, we all start singing on the spot! Good thing my companion was with me or I would have been the only Sister singing up there! When we finished he made the point that we are God's Children and The Lord's Representatives at this time. People reject us everyday, they ignore us, and they lie to us. He then turned it to the members and asked them how they were going to treat us. Were they going to reject our invitations to do missionary work? Would they lie to us? Ignore our texts and calls? It was super powerful! I love general authority :) One month till conference!
Over all it was a good week :) I'm grateful to be here in the CFM. I love my calling and I know the Lord is causing me to have a "Mighty Change of Heart"
I love you all!
Love Sister LeStarge

I Love the Rolling Hills

If you drive way north in my area, like a half an hour into the boonies, you'll find some really pretty rolling hills that eventually turn into mountains.

Thanksgiving isn't the only time to be grateful

Dear everyone!
  This week I've been oddly very grateful for my trials! I've been especially grateful for the blessings the Lord has given me. When I think about it I haven't really had any major life trials (except my Shunt). No divorced parents, no siblings gone astray, no physical handy caps. My life overall has been very blessed. However,we all  know life can't be perfect right? If it was we'd never progress! I've started to realize little things that I struggle with ,and have come to accept calling those as my trials. Perhaps you'd expect me to complain about those things, I'll admit I sometimes do but I like to think I've really come to love them. I realize that I'm not alone. I know my Heavenly Father has given me those little annoying struggles to help me grow! And I want to grow!! I'm becoming more patient with Heavenly Fathers Plan for me and remembering that its not my timing its His. I can't help but think I'll look back at this in a little while and realize how better of a person I've become! My testimony has been strengthened that trials really are for our benefit! So this week I am simply grateful!
Oh! and I'm also super grateful/in love with the Book of Mormon! Are you all reading this stuff?! ITS AMAZING! What a blessing to be able to read and re-read its wonderful pages. I think I may have a slight obsession with it.
I love you!
Sister LeStarge

Knocked Dead For a Week

Hello everyone! 

  I've said this before and I'll say it again! Being sick as a missionary is the worst thing ever! I guess it's my fault though...I seem to remember having this idea that since I was serving a mission for the Lord I would be immune to illness...that was a terrible mistake! This past Sunday I was feeling a little cold coming on but with appointments set up for just about every hour that evening I didn't feel I was sick enough to cancel. Last preparation day I wasn't feeling my best either but since it was the only day we had to get our busy work done, I again put off the rest. Of course no person can just put off illness when it comes knocking at your door, so I paid the price of procrastination and was knocked out for the next 4 days! 3 days in a row I moved from members house to members house sleeping on guest room beds while my companion was able to go out and work in another sisters area. On the fourth day she was slammed with a touch of a stomach bug and we were both out!  I was lucky though to get into a doctor pretty fast and start on some antibiotics. I've also been overdosing on vitamin C and other various health pills. I should have an IV hooked up to my arm with all the water I've been drinking too! But though modern medicine is a great blessing, during this week I was able to receive a priesthood blessing from my District leader! Along with a blessing of healing he also gave me a blessing of comfort that the Lord knew I would be sick at this time and caused it for a divine reason. That perhaps I might learn to love and appreciate the time I have to work with a healthy body! And I do appreciate it! I'll never take my healthy body for granted again!    
  This week in spite being down and out, I was able to see a tender mercy of the Lord! Yesterday our dinner appointment canceled, and though I'm all for making my own dinner, it gets a little difficult on the last day of the week before shopping. At church we were frantically searching for someone who would be willing to feed us dinner. Among our chaos we also had two appointments fall through for that night. Our next scheduled appointment was with a family who had some pretty darn moody teenage boys, torn up carpet leaving nothing but cement and smelled like cat urine. You could say we weren't particularly looking forward to going in. Before leaving the car, we offered a prayer (as we usually do) and asked the Lord to bless us that we might have our attitudes changed and figure out what it was He wanted us to do with all the time that was made. We went in and delivered our message to the family and with only a portion of them participating we were able to have a surprisingly wonderful discussion about the Restoration. When we sat back in our car we both felt empowered to go out and work! In the time that we needed to fill we were able to set an appointment with a family that we've been desperately trying to teach...for the very  next day! At our last stop for the night a family gave us compliments passed on from another family about our behavior involving the non member husband. We were also blessed to have our dear sweet Bishops wife agree to feed us dinner! I know that the Lord answers prayers! 

I love you all! Pray sincerely! I know it works! 

Sister LeStarge


Happy Monday everyone!
As I'm sure you've been aware California is in this terrible drought. Which is actually terrible since we grow so much of the world's produce. So what do you do when there's no rain? Why you call together all the good Latter-Day Saints in the state, and ask them to hold a special fast for rain! Then lo and behold, it rains! Hot dog! It was actually a pretty amazing miracle. I remember looking at the weather here in the Valley last winter, when I was home, and preparing myself for a rainy season. This winter has held to be quite the opposite of what I prepared myself for! Warm and dry. Not only do the crops need the rain but the people do too! They say the Valley has some of the worst air quality in the nation, and each year they wait for the rain to "wash out" the dust and pollution from the summer. This year with the drought the air quality has been so bad the kids have "purple days", where they can't go outside because the air qual. is so awful.
  So as I said before what do you do when there's no rain? Well I guess all the members in the state of Cali. were asked to fast for rain. The very day we fasted it rained! The miracle continued though out the week as it rained 3 other days this week. I'm not sure how much more rain they'll need to have a good harvest this year but what an amazing miracle to have witnessed.
  Other than that this week has been pretty slow! Though the State needs the rain we find it to be an excuse for people not to open their door. We've been trying to get to know our members and earn their love and support in the mean time. My companion and I have been battling colds this week too, so we're trying to find a balance between resting and working. We've found some vitamins and over the counter meds in one of our cabinets, lets hope they get us better! We also had a couple give us a bottle of something called 4life Transfer Factor. Its suppose to help boost your immunity? That couple swears by it, they're also pretty high up in the company so we figure why not give it a try! (They live in President Lawrence's home (he's in the second quorum of the 70, over Russia) and we call it the "temple home" because it was built to resemble the temple, on the inside, its beautiful).
Have a fun Valentines day everyone! I love you and miss you each!
Love Sister LeStarge
p.s Happy Birthday Doug! You ole goat!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

What a great area!

Hello everyone! We'll I'm happy to say I'm thriving in my new area! I love it here and I find my self drained at the end of each day! I can't remember being this tired at the beginning of my mission! We've been working through our area book weeding out all the prepared people, we've also been tracking on a few streets and have found a few people who've accepted for us to come back! How exciting! 
 I've got a story of an awkward experience I had this week with my companion! We tracted into a woman who was seriously misinformed about the LDS faith so we set her straight on a few concepts. She was probably in her late 40's and over all seemed like a very gregarious woman. I liked her a lot, and liked her even more when she said we could come back after accepting a copy of the book of Mormon! A few days later we knocked on her door and she invited us in. I noticed in one of the back rooms her husband sitting by their computer. She sat us down and just as we were finishing our small talk, about to crack open the book of Mormon, her husband appeared at the door and basically dismissed us! He informed us that in the Bible it states there would be no more prophets to arise until the coming of Christ, which to him means Joseph Smith is a false prophet. He explained we could not convince him that he was a real prophet and he could not persuade us that he wasn't a prophet so he once again invited us to leave. Feeling a bit shocked and stunned we stood and headed to the door. Walking back to our car I felt pretty sad while on the other hand my companion felt fired up! As I talked to my companion about it I figured I was so sad because I really liked that lady! I might have been her only chance to hear the Gospel! Just goes to show not everyone is prepared. How sad.
   On a lighter note we have this AMAZING recent convert who was baptized in December. He's from Iran and was a Muslim growing up. When the Government found out he was Christian he had to flee the country (with his daughter) where he lived as a refugee in Turkey for a year. Once he came to America he found a job working in a Persian restaurant where he's worked ever since. He's learning English and loves to meet with us so he can practice. I just think he has incredible amounts of faith to leave his life behind and come to a new country to learn a new language, start  a new job (that's not as good as the job he left behind) and basically just start over, all becase he loves the Lord!! Since he can't completely understand everything the missionaries have taught him we know he accepted the gospel because of "the feelings in my heart". Luckily we found a sister missionary in the LA mission who speaks Farsi so we'll be able to Skype with her so he can continue learning the Gospel! What an amazing example!

I love you all and miss you too! Have a great week!

Sister LeStarge

Friday, January 31, 2014

Alluvial Ward!

Dearest Everyone,
  I LOVE being transferred! Best thing ever. It's been too much fun being companions again with my trainer! We just have so much love for one another! But the sad thing is she goes home in two days :( I'm struggling a bit with that since so many missionaries I love area going home this transfer! But onward and upward right!? I can't say I know my new area that well but we've done a pretty good job of meeting all the people I'll be working with (bishop, investigators...). I'm very excited to get my  new companion Wednesday, Sister Carpenter! She's just past her year mark this month and I've only heard good things about her, like she's obedient, loving and a hard worker! What more could you ask for in a companion right? We'll be awesome! I've made it my goal to serve her every. single. day! I feel I haven't had enough love for my companions in the past so by serving her I'll grow in that Christ like love! There's a great feeling of hope being doubled into an area, you just have to figure everything out on your own! I'm excited. And the sisters in this area have baptized the last two months! So hopes to keep that up! We don't have any dates set right now but we've got some solid people to teach! Phew, I feel like I can breath again! We'll be hard at work for the next month, not only with teaching but with getting to know members and building their trust. Sister Sims and her companion were here for 5 months together so people have gotten pretty attached, but they've been welcoming to me as well. Most of the investigators here are from part member families so we hope to reactivate the less active parent and baptize spouse and children! Ready? GO!  This area is larger than my last with some beautiful rolling hills and mountains in the northern part. We'll have to come back here to explore together :) I'm also very excited because I live in an apartment now! Not just a one bedroom studio! I have so much closet space I don't know what to do! It's great :) But I've got to go! Sorry this is so short! I LOVE being here in the CFM!!
Sister LeStarge

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Hello Everyone!!

      This past Friday our mission president called us with a request! He informed us a Sister would be going home early due to a medical release (a sister who came in with me to the field, who is now the second one to go home from my group) and her companion would need someone to be with her in their area. So he offered to transfer me!! I ACCEPTED!!! Not only was I emergency transferred, I get to be companions with MY TRAINER!! SISTER SIMS, for the win! BEST DAY EVER!!!!! I know we didn't get along always when I was being trained but now we practically worship the ground the other walks on, sooooo is great! . Unfortunately she'll be headed home in a week when the real transfer date is, so I'll have to learn the area quickly but, I just feel like I can breath again! New area! New sister! New investigators! New apartment! Life is great! I am now in the Alluvial ward, which is actually just next door to my old area but in a different stake. I'm feeling a little lost as I was just moved in this morning, but I should be a bit more comfortable as the week goes on. I feel a huge burden has been lifted and that I'm starting my mission over! The demographic is a bit different here so hopefully I'll see more success. It will be a challenge when Sister Sims goes home because I'll be leading an area I've only been in for a week but hey, LeStarges like a good challenge every once in a while ;)

All is well :)

Love you,
Sister LeStarge