Thursday, May 29, 2014

Saturday is a Special Day

Happy Temple Day!

Isn't the Temple just the greatest place ever? I'm so glad (and blessed) that we get to go every quarter in our mission!

Well, just as the primary song goes "Saturday is a special day!" because WE'RE BAPTIZING!!!! It's the greatest thing ever to find, teach and baptize one of our Heavenly Fathers children! We've finished teaching the lessons to our investigator and she's all set, just pray she passes her baptismal interview!! This week we had a great relief society activity that she not only attended but invited a friend to! Not even a member of the church yet and already sharing the gospel as much as she can!! I LOVE when my investigators share the gospel, it helps remind me that yes the gospel IS very exciting!!

I'm running short on time but I love you all and am excited for transfer calls this Saturday! Perhaps I'll finally leave the heart of Fresno!

Love you!
Sister LeStarge

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