Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Happy 100th Birthday!

Hey There!
Another week already? I've been told time just flies by once you get to the second half of your mission and its true! We've got conference coming up next month! I can remember last year being in the MTC for April conference and now its here again! Holy smokes that happened in the blink of an eye!
Well this week we had some pretty great things happen! We found a new investigator who has some great potential! Whoohoo! It's a true miracle when we find those! She was referred to us from Church Headquarters... where she was referred to by a member in Arizona. I find her story to be a bit funny (the Lord has his hand in all things!)She's a single mother who was signed onto a dating website, where she accidentally put "Christian-LDS" as her faith. The man in Arizona who referred her to us began their "friendship" via this dating website. As they were talking she used terms like "testimony" and "Heavenly Father" so he of course thought she was LDS. Eventually she figured out her mistake and let  him know she didn't belong to our faith. But! being the good missionary this man was he challenged her to take the lessons!  Brownie points for him in Heaven! So there we are sitting in her living room! She's a great woman who shows genuine interest in the Gospel. Unfortunately we've only met with her once, because she's so busy raising her kids, caring for her mom with disabilities (who lives with her), and working full time. We'll get back in the door and She'll be the miracle we've been praying for!
On Wednesday of this week we got to go to a very exciting party for...a 100 year old! ha! Not something you get to go to everyday! This sweet little woman in our ward lived to be 100! and she's still sharp as a tack! It was interesting to see how much she has lived through. Born the year of the Titanic sinking, the depression was in her prime years, out lived 2 husbands, and had 4 sons. She's accomplished quite a bit, including serving a mission! She told us that while she was serving in the southern states mission (as a young sister) she  had a knock at her door. When she opened the door there was an old suitor standing there who invited himself in! He was worried she wouldn't be available after her mission. After some time she convinced him he needed to leave and that the visit was inappropriate. It turned out that he was a missionary at the same time and left his area to come visit her! (I'm not sure if he was in the same mission or not) Of course he was disobedient and thus sent home after that little act. Later her Land Lord came and dismissed her and her companion from the home after seeing a man enter their quarters unannounced. Being upset with no where to go they went to a members home (who was the town Brewer and Bartender) and he saved the day by explaining what had really happened to the Land Lord. Well, I'm not sure I'd like to live to be 100 but it does give you some pretty exciting stories to tell!
     Our last grand adventure of the week was having Elder Alonzo of the Seventy come talk at Stake Conference. The Saturday night adult session was all about Hastening the Work. It was awesome to hear such a spiritually powerful man make promises to the people when they do their part in missionary work. As he did that he had all the missionaries come up and stand next to him on the stand...and then do you know what he did?! He made us all sing! Whilly Nilly! Just like that! "Okay Elders and Sisters why don't you sing one verse of I am a Child of God." So being the exactly obedient missionaries that we are, we all start singing on the spot! Good thing my companion was with me or I would have been the only Sister singing up there! When we finished he made the point that we are God's Children and The Lord's Representatives at this time. People reject us everyday, they ignore us, and they lie to us. He then turned it to the members and asked them how they were going to treat us. Were they going to reject our invitations to do missionary work? Would they lie to us? Ignore our texts and calls? It was super powerful! I love general authority :) One month till conference!
Over all it was a good week :) I'm grateful to be here in the CFM. I love my calling and I know the Lord is causing me to have a "Mighty Change of Heart"
I love you all!
Love Sister LeStarge

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