Friday, January 31, 2014

Alluvial Ward!

Dearest Everyone,
  I LOVE being transferred! Best thing ever. It's been too much fun being companions again with my trainer! We just have so much love for one another! But the sad thing is she goes home in two days :( I'm struggling a bit with that since so many missionaries I love area going home this transfer! But onward and upward right!? I can't say I know my new area that well but we've done a pretty good job of meeting all the people I'll be working with (bishop, investigators...). I'm very excited to get my  new companion Wednesday, Sister Carpenter! She's just past her year mark this month and I've only heard good things about her, like she's obedient, loving and a hard worker! What more could you ask for in a companion right? We'll be awesome! I've made it my goal to serve her every. single. day! I feel I haven't had enough love for my companions in the past so by serving her I'll grow in that Christ like love! There's a great feeling of hope being doubled into an area, you just have to figure everything out on your own! I'm excited. And the sisters in this area have baptized the last two months! So hopes to keep that up! We don't have any dates set right now but we've got some solid people to teach! Phew, I feel like I can breath again! We'll be hard at work for the next month, not only with teaching but with getting to know members and building their trust. Sister Sims and her companion were here for 5 months together so people have gotten pretty attached, but they've been welcoming to me as well. Most of the investigators here are from part member families so we hope to reactivate the less active parent and baptize spouse and children! Ready? GO!  This area is larger than my last with some beautiful rolling hills and mountains in the northern part. We'll have to come back here to explore together :) I'm also very excited because I live in an apartment now! Not just a one bedroom studio! I have so much closet space I don't know what to do! It's great :) But I've got to go! Sorry this is so short! I LOVE being here in the CFM!!
Sister LeStarge

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