Thursday, August 14, 2014

You're Stuck With Me Forever


I've gotten in the habit of saying that as I run the streets in the morning, but most times people just look at me like I'm a nut. Anyways! I had probably most sacred spiritual moment on my mission this week. I got to see the Calaways (the family I taught a year ago) get sealed! It really was the most beautiful thing in this world. I've always had a testimony of families being together forever, but witnessing that just solidified my knowledge. Having never seen a sealing before it was really neat.
     Sister Sims (my trainer) was able to fly in for it, which made it even more special for me because I stink'n love that girl!!! We along with two other couples from Dry Creek were able to attend (not even the poor sister who drove me was invited in). It was so small and so perfect. We sat and waited for the couple to come in, and they were sealed together first as husband and wife for time and all eternity!!! I balled the whole time! What a sweet thing to see those to be sealed! I consider them to be my mission parents so it was really a tender moment. Their children were then brought in and sealed to their parents. Again, another touching moment to see a family I love and hold so dear to me come together, and be sealed. When the whole family was together I sniffled and sniffed, the just sobbed! Mostly because of how wonderful it was, but partly because of their missing family member who I also love so dearly. At the end the sealer did invite them to do all they could to get their whole family to join them as a sealed family, so I found comfort in that. In the end everyone was balling and just so filled with joy and the Spirit. I'll never forget the mother embracing one of her daughters, and with tears in her eyes saying "You're stuck with me forever!" They're all stuck together forever! What a wonderful day. I'm so blessed to have been able to experience all of this!! How many missionaries get to teach a family, see them enter into the waters of baptism and then a year later witness their sealing?! Not too many!! I love this family. I love the gospel. I know that family relationships can last through all eternity with nothing to break their bond. 

Love you all! (forever!)

Sister LeStarge

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