Monday, May 5, 2014

Atheists and Dead Dogs

Bonjour! (look at me thinking up new ways to say hello to you!)

Well as always we had some pretty outrageous adventures this week!! It's always an exciting day to be a Mormon missionary! You don't even have time to blink or you might miss something ;) I of course had a fabulous 21st birthday!! When I say "fabulous" I really mean "well fed" it turns out when you tell people its your birthday as a missionary, odds are they'll hand you some kind of food...mine was no exception! I started my day off right with a nice brunch! courtesy of sweet members who took us out. I continued through my day with eating Ribs....twice! Which I have to admit made me feel like it was my birthday because its my birthday meal every year.  Then just before I thought my day was done I got delicious angel food cake and strawberries! Can't have a birthday with out cake! Even though I like pie much more....Over all though it was a great missionary birthday!!
The excitement doesn't stop there though! While driving this week my companion and I found a miracle! We received a text from a number requesting we meet with them and share the lessons! HOT DOG! Some one wants to hear from us! WE were able to make it to their home just an hour later only to find out it was a single man! Shoot, cant exactly walk right into his home...the Lord blessed us though to have a recently called ward missionary available at that moment!! We picked her up and sped back to his house! While getting to know him we learned his girlfriend is a member of another ward, and they've been dating for some time now. He being atheist has a lot of questions he would ask her, and she finally feeling overwhelmed turned him over to us. He's very open to learning and discovering truth. We have high hopes of building Faith in him in Jesus Christ, though we feel he'll be a little bit of a challenge.
 Another one of our investigators was unable to come to church this week, which was a bummer considering we had lunch with her the day prior and she assured us she'd be there. On easter she went to adopt a dog from the SPCA and was unable to make it to church for that reason....yesterday she couldn't make it to church because the very dog she had just adopted died!! Not feeling too upset because she had just adopted her, she needed to still take care of the body by having it cremated. Still sad for her though....on a more positive note, one of our neighbors who is like a dad to us, and is constantly feeding us, adopted a puppy this week!! A sweet little bundle of fluff. He's agreed to let us do him a service by taking the little thing for a walk everyday! He's a little Australian Shepherd. While playing with him he practically gnawed my arm off with is little razors in his mouth so now I look like some animal mauled me!  Oh the love I have for little puppies....

It was yet another great week though! I know my mission has caused me to have a "mighty change of heart". I know I am being blessed more than I know by serving my Lord each day. Its a privilege to be here!

Sister LeStarge

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