Sunday, June 29, 2014

I'm finally spreading my wings

​GOOOOD MORNING! As President Gelwix likes to say, "It's a great day to be a Mormon Missionary."

I had quite the fantastic weekend if I do say so myself! CASSIE GOT BAPITZED!! Baptisms are the greatest things in the whole wide world!! Someone just entered the gates to salvation! Who could ask for something better than that? It's no wonder she went around all week telling people "The greatest day of my life is coming up!" What a wonderful day:) She was blessed to have such a great turn out from the ward (something needed since her family isn't exactally the most supportive). When she was handing out invitations for her baptism she thought to invite a man her families company gets their supplies from, when he asked her "what church are you being baptized in?" she was a little hesitant to say LDS (as she had been getting grief from everyone she has previously invited) the man perked right up and said "I'm LDS too!". He was able to bring his wife and family. She also had support from her Chiropractor who she had always admired for being strong in our faith. Other than those two people and their families, only her ward family was in attendance, but they love and adore her so that's all the support she needs. After the meeting several members commented on the spirit felt in her service. The best part was when she came up out of the water, fist pumped and cried "WOOHOO!" YES! Woohoo is right! You got baptized Cassie! My favorite part of her baptism though was when she bore her testimony. She told us of how she thinks relationships are the most important things, and how she had been neglecting her relationship with Christ. She at one point said "Christ has been knocking on the door of my heart for a long time now, and now that I'm baptized I've finally let Him in". She's not someone who just stumbled upon the happiness found in the church, she's truly committed to the Gospel. We had dinner with her that night, and she told us how when we first met her she was pretty busy and didn't really feel she had time to meet with us. However, because we were such nice girls she didn't want to disappoint us so she came to church to please us. Well the jokes on her because she loved church from the first day she attended! You just need to feel the spirit a little to get hooked :) It was over all a wonderful baptism.
  The next great part of my weekend was....drum roll please! I"M BEING TRANSFERED! I'm SO stink'n excited!!! I thought for sure I'd be spending my whole entire mission in Fresno but now I get to spread my wings!!! I've been hoping for a long time to see other parts of the all of my dreams are coming true. They'll be moving me Wednesday down to Hanford, which is the mid-southern part of the mission. I hear the water smells like rotten eggs but I don't even care because I'm getting out!! I'll be companions with Sister Bee, who was trained by the very same trainer I had! She'll be with me for one transfer then be on her way home, so it's time to learn a new area fast!

Have to run.
Sister LeStarge

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