Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Knocked Dead For a Week

Hello everyone! 

  I've said this before and I'll say it again! Being sick as a missionary is the worst thing ever! I guess it's my fault though...I seem to remember having this idea that since I was serving a mission for the Lord I would be immune to illness...that was a terrible mistake! This past Sunday I was feeling a little cold coming on but with appointments set up for just about every hour that evening I didn't feel I was sick enough to cancel. Last preparation day I wasn't feeling my best either but since it was the only day we had to get our busy work done, I again put off the rest. Of course no person can just put off illness when it comes knocking at your door, so I paid the price of procrastination and was knocked out for the next 4 days! 3 days in a row I moved from members house to members house sleeping on guest room beds while my companion was able to go out and work in another sisters area. On the fourth day she was slammed with a touch of a stomach bug and we were both out!  I was lucky though to get into a doctor pretty fast and start on some antibiotics. I've also been overdosing on vitamin C and other various health pills. I should have an IV hooked up to my arm with all the water I've been drinking too! But though modern medicine is a great blessing, during this week I was able to receive a priesthood blessing from my District leader! Along with a blessing of healing he also gave me a blessing of comfort that the Lord knew I would be sick at this time and caused it for a divine reason. That perhaps I might learn to love and appreciate the time I have to work with a healthy body! And I do appreciate it! I'll never take my healthy body for granted again!    
  This week in spite being down and out, I was able to see a tender mercy of the Lord! Yesterday our dinner appointment canceled, and though I'm all for making my own dinner, it gets a little difficult on the last day of the week before shopping. At church we were frantically searching for someone who would be willing to feed us dinner. Among our chaos we also had two appointments fall through for that night. Our next scheduled appointment was with a family who had some pretty darn moody teenage boys, torn up carpet leaving nothing but cement and smelled like cat urine. You could say we weren't particularly looking forward to going in. Before leaving the car, we offered a prayer (as we usually do) and asked the Lord to bless us that we might have our attitudes changed and figure out what it was He wanted us to do with all the time that was made. We went in and delivered our message to the family and with only a portion of them participating we were able to have a surprisingly wonderful discussion about the Restoration. When we sat back in our car we both felt empowered to go out and work! In the time that we needed to fill we were able to set an appointment with a family that we've been desperately trying to teach...for the very  next day! At our last stop for the night a family gave us compliments passed on from another family about our behavior involving the non member husband. We were also blessed to have our dear sweet Bishops wife agree to feed us dinner! I know that the Lord answers prayers! 

I love you all! Pray sincerely! I know it works! 

Sister LeStarge

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