Thursday, August 14, 2014

Temples and Samoans

Oh Hey! 

This week has been such a bittersweet week in my mission!! After being called to be a trainer and receiving my new companion (Sister Maukeni from Samoa) I realized that as I train her in her first 12 weeks (a fairly new program all missionaries go through) I am counting down my own 12 weeks of my mission! Though I'm SUPER excited to be a trainer, I'm also a bit sad as my own mission comes to a close. However, I don't think of that often because I've made a goal that I WILL NOT be a trunky trainer!  With that, I have the MOST AMAZING Trainee!! Sister Maukeni is the greatest!!! She's so fantastic! I see a lot of the missionary that I was in her when I first came out, the only difference is that she is FAR more humble than I. I believe she'll be so much more than I ever was as she continues on in her mission. I've been praying she'd have a desire to be exactly obedient  and she's proven to be! She follows every rule I've notified her of, with no sense of attitude or complaint! On her first full day in the field we stopped to get gas. I explained that typically I would pump gas and she would go out and contact people. She first expressed feelings of anxiety but with a little encouragement was sent on her way. I watched as she approached the first person she saw... she knocked on a car window, waited for the man to roll it down then proceeded to talk to him! I know missionaries that have been out far longer than her, and don't have enough courage to do that!! I was expecting to have her come back and report to me what happened, but instead she walked right on to the next person and the next person! How wonderful is she! We have also seen a plethora of miracles come as we've been working on our finding. We've been welcomed back into several homes and even taken it to the next level by inviting members to come with us to our follow up appointments. She is a greater example to me than I am to her, and I am grateful she has such great faith, which challenges mine to greater heights!
 I had the opportunity to attend the temple twice this week!! How blessed am I to have a temple so close to me in my mission!? Very blessed! I love the temple! It's the greatest place ever! This week I got a call from the family I got to teach and watch be baptized, they informed me THEY'RE BEING SEALED IN THE TEMPLE!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!! Best.Day.Ever! Not only do I get to see my adopted family be sealed, but my trainer is flying in to come too!!! I"M SO EXCITED! This is what being a missionary is all about! This is that joy thats talked about in the scriptures! It's the greatest! Not many missionaries get to experience a family go through that whole process! I'm so very blessed to have had such wonderful opportunities in my mission! 

I love you all!
Kia Kaha!
Sister LeStarge

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