Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Happy Monday everyone!
As I'm sure you've been aware California is in this terrible drought. Which is actually terrible since we grow so much of the world's produce. So what do you do when there's no rain? Why you call together all the good Latter-Day Saints in the state, and ask them to hold a special fast for rain! Then lo and behold, it rains! Hot dog! It was actually a pretty amazing miracle. I remember looking at the weather here in the Valley last winter, when I was home, and preparing myself for a rainy season. This winter has held to be quite the opposite of what I prepared myself for! Warm and dry. Not only do the crops need the rain but the people do too! They say the Valley has some of the worst air quality in the nation, and each year they wait for the rain to "wash out" the dust and pollution from the summer. This year with the drought the air quality has been so bad the kids have "purple days", where they can't go outside because the air qual. is so awful.
  So as I said before what do you do when there's no rain? Well I guess all the members in the state of Cali. were asked to fast for rain. The very day we fasted it rained! The miracle continued though out the week as it rained 3 other days this week. I'm not sure how much more rain they'll need to have a good harvest this year but what an amazing miracle to have witnessed.
  Other than that this week has been pretty slow! Though the State needs the rain we find it to be an excuse for people not to open their door. We've been trying to get to know our members and earn their love and support in the mean time. My companion and I have been battling colds this week too, so we're trying to find a balance between resting and working. We've found some vitamins and over the counter meds in one of our cabinets, lets hope they get us better! We also had a couple give us a bottle of something called 4life Transfer Factor. Its suppose to help boost your immunity? That couple swears by it, they're also pretty high up in the company so we figure why not give it a try! (They live in President Lawrence's home (he's in the second quorum of the 70, over Russia) and we call it the "temple home" because it was built to resemble the temple, on the inside, its beautiful).
Have a fun Valentines day everyone! I love you and miss you each!
Love Sister LeStarge
p.s Happy Birthday Doug! You ole goat!

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