Monday, March 17, 2014

Is that a weasel or a badger?


  Well I got my new companion this week and I LOVE HER! Sister Olson (from Soda Springs Idaho the smallest town ever)  has been out for about 8 months and we've got communication down flat already! Something we've both struggled a bit with, with our previous companions. So right from the start we decided we would do our best at expressing our thoughts! What a great exercise! I'm so glad I get to work with her this transfer! 
  We started our companionship with me questioning whether I should be a vet tech or not! One evening we were contacting a referral who we found not home, as we were walking back to our car we passed a big fenced in field where we spotted a funny little animal. I stopped and noticed it's black and white coloring and asked "Is that a badger?!" looking closer I saw it had a longer neck and took back my last statement. Then my companion asked "Is that a Weasel?" Both feeling very confused at the little thing, we watched it closer to notice it do a little hop! What a strange little thing! We walked closer only to realize we're both challenged with identifying animals because it was a little lamb....Perhaps I should talk to my nieces and nephews to learn a thing or two about basic farm animals....
I had an amazing miracle happen in my area this week! One of our investigators we hadn't heard from in over a week, and we were getting a little worried. In our morning companionship prayer we pleaded with the Lord to help us make contact with her this week. Sure enough just an HOUR later she called us! She explained she had lost our number but wanted to make contact as she had been doing the reading we asked her too. She asked us to meet with her right then! We hurried over to her office and met with her in a conference room. By the end of the discussion we invited her to be baptized and she accepted on the condition that she knew what we taught was true! We hope to schedule a date with her next time around! What an awesome tender mercy for our area! 
We were also able to get another investigator this week! He's met with elders in years before. He's a recovering alcoholic of 9 months and is searching to gain a spiritual understanding. We had an awesome recent covert come with us who was able to connect with him so well! I still thing having members come with you is the best thing to help these people come to Christ...out of the mouth of ...3 witnesses! 
To add more to my great week I was a winner! I've recently become a giant Jamba Juice fan and one day this week my companion and I decided to make a Jamba run. We were given a scratch off card and I won a free small smoothie! Whoop whoop! I'm a winner! Free things are always exciting for missionaries....

My mission is starting to roll faster and faster, I'm blown away with another week having come and gone! I miss you each and love you! Have a productive week!


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