Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Thanksgiving isn't the only time to be grateful

Dear everyone!
  This week I've been oddly very grateful for my trials! I've been especially grateful for the blessings the Lord has given me. When I think about it I haven't really had any major life trials (except my Shunt). No divorced parents, no siblings gone astray, no physical handy caps. My life overall has been very blessed. However,we all  know life can't be perfect right? If it was we'd never progress! I've started to realize little things that I struggle with ,and have come to accept calling those as my trials. Perhaps you'd expect me to complain about those things, I'll admit I sometimes do but I like to think I've really come to love them. I realize that I'm not alone. I know my Heavenly Father has given me those little annoying struggles to help me grow! And I want to grow!! I'm becoming more patient with Heavenly Fathers Plan for me and remembering that its not my timing its His. I can't help but think I'll look back at this in a little while and realize how better of a person I've become! My testimony has been strengthened that trials really are for our benefit! So this week I am simply grateful!
Oh! and I'm also super grateful/in love with the Book of Mormon! Are you all reading this stuff?! ITS AMAZING! What a blessing to be able to read and re-read its wonderful pages. I think I may have a slight obsession with it.
I love you!
Sister LeStarge

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