Monday, March 17, 2014

What a week!

Hello everyone!

Well this week was as hectic as usual for me! I had some pretty great experiences this week that built my faith, and made me laugh!
    This past Wednesday we had district meeting where we participated in a "real play". It's one of my favorite things to do, it's similar to a role play but instead of acting as someone else you just act as yourself! I got to "real play" with an elder where I expressed to him some concerns I was having about finding in my area. He gave me a promise that if I would prayerfully look through my Former Investigators section of my area book that I would find someone who was prepared to be baptized THIS MONTH! So I put it to the test! My companion and I went through our formers section and found a whole list of people we wanted to see. The first few houses proved to be of no luck so on we went. We finally knocked on the door of a man who had previously been taught by elders and was ready to take up the challenge of being taught the lessons again! So we set up an appointment for this Wednesday and we're very excited to have found a new investigator! What a great promise inspired by the Lord!
   I had a good laugh this week from my companion as we've been preparing for transfers. She had asked president several times if she could train ( this would be her last chance to train before finishing her mission) and he agreed that he would take it into consideration. I thought I was a goner for sure! But as we waited and waited the call didn't come...until President called us and asked to speak to my companion "in private" She walked into the other room and all I could hear was "yes" "yes president" "of course"....So my heart started racing! I was going to leave?!  then finally I heard "so does this mean I'll be leaving my area?" "Thank you President." When she walked back into the room she explained she would be re-training a sister in the mission who was sick for her first 12 weeks and didn't get to experience everything she should have. The best part was (for me) that she was leaving the area! So I made it past this transfer yet again in my area. I couldn't help but laugh because I thought (along with many others) that I would be leaving the area, when it turns out my companion is! But she did request it so she's been a good sport about it!
   With my companion leaving we had set up a great experience a week prior (just incase one of us got transferred) for us to go to Sequoia National Park! It's beautiful up there! Those trees are so Gigantic and amazing! I can't even comprehend how long it took them to grow! On a sign on one of the trails it mentioned when they cut one down it was estimated to be 3,300 years old! I didn't think I'd be so fascinated with trees! I'll have to admit though they were pretty incredible. On the way home we also had some time to check out this place called "Cat Haven" a place where they keep/hold small and large wild Cats. We took a tour of the place which was about an hour of walking from cage to cage and got pretty close to some of those Cats!( much closer than you would get if you were at a zoo). At one point a worker noticed our tour guide trying to get the Siberian Tigers attention, so she hopped the rope and started running back and forth down the length of the cage. I guess this Tiger liked this worker the most because she got her to run and play with her! She even reached in the cage and scratched her ears! Not something you see everyday! She went on to say that worker raised her and the Tiger was still pretty young so they had a little bond. Big Trees and Big Cats all in one day! It was a whole lot of excitement, and I'm sure I'll go back one day.

I've got to run though! My time is just about up!

Have a great week!

Sister LeStarge

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