Sunday, June 29, 2014

Where am I?


Turns out Hanford is a completely different world than Fresno! All week long I've been asking my companion "Sister...where am I?" We live in a little apartment (same complex as our Zone leaders and District leader) that is filled with these bugs they call "June bugs" BUT THEY"RE NOT JUNE BUGS! They're these giant ugly yellow looking cockroaches! They're about the size of my thumb and they run all over! Sick, sick, sick!! I'll squash them all! We also don't have AC in our apartment except for the one room we sleep in...helps on days that it's 109 like today! I also thoroughly enjoy the sound of the train that passes by every couple hours...Sister, we're not in Fresno anymore! BUT aside from all that, I really love it down here! I don't have anything to complain about :) I love this area, people are a little more humble down here, which seems to help us find more success. We've got two baptisms set, one for the 21st (he needs to come to church once more), and one for the 28th (she's all set!). People seem to be much more willing to listen to us then in my last areas. We cover an area that to me is large, but then again I only have previous areas to compare it to. 

We forgot we have an appointment!! AH!! Sorry this was short! Got to run!!!

Love you!
Sister LeStarge

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