Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Good Week

Hello Everyone! 

I hope everyone had a good week like I did! I was able to see some pretty amazing miracles, get some wonderful training and take another trip to the zoo! Over all I'd said it was a pretty good week. 
My companion and I got a strange call this week from the Coordinating Sisters (like the girl versions of the assistants) who asked to go on exchanges with us. Thrown off just a little at the purpose of this exchange we readily excepted. Exchanges are good no matter who they're with. They later explained going on exchanges with all sisters was one of their goals (we have 60 sisters now), so who are we to fight them!? I got to go with a sister who had previously been my Sister Trainner Leader, so we know how the other operates and I happen to love her! While in my area  we got to see a whole bunch of little miracles! 
#1 We tried to stop by on one of our investigators only to find him not home, instead of feeling down on ourselves we tried talking to his dad. He was very polite and willing to listen. In the end we invited him to sit in on the lessons with his son! There's potential there! 
#2 We went to have lunch with a member and his non-member wife. While we established she wasn't quite ready to have the lessons taught to her, we again chose not to throw a pitty party as we discovered her love and interest in Family History! It just so happens that the Family History Consultant for the ward is her husbands home teacher, and he's a convert from the religion she's familiar with! That's no coincidence! 
#3 We visited a recent convert and at the end of our lesson we asked if there was anyone she knew we could visit. She and her husband offered to take us next door to meet a neighbor and while she wasn't home we ran into another neighbor who said we could stop by! 

Thought these are all such small things I consider them little miracles! If you change your attitude you can see things in such a different light! We also had a really great training this week by President Gelwix, which is always inspiring. I know I learned so much from the spirit! My favorite part was dissecting our Patriarchal Blessings! We took a different apporach by praying and asking for understanding while we read our blessings. My blessing took on a whole new meaning when I did that! And can I just say I'm pretty awesome, it's all written on the paper! I encourage everyone to do that too! 
My final excitement for the week was going to the zoo! Round 2! Our zone took a trip today and it was such fun! I got to feed stingrays, touch sharks and also feed giraffes! What an interactive zoo! I'll be sure to send pictures next week! The computer I'm using at the moment is having some personal struggles. 
Stay strong and remember

Love you! 

Sister LeStarge

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