Thursday, August 14, 2014

Snakes, Baptisms and Goodbyes

Well hello again! 

This week was pretty epic with so much going on. I feel like my mission has been put on ultra speed these past few weeks. With a new area, president leaving a new one coming and 2 baptisms theres been no time for dilly dally!
  This week while in a lesson my companion met her worst enemy! All transfer she's been killing spiders for me (as they're a fear of mine) finally I asked her "Sister, you're so brave! but I want to know what you're afraid of?" She replied "snakes", a creature I feel like I'm not too particularly frightened of. While sitting in our investigators house, trying to answer some questions our investigator had, regarding the Word of Wisdom we heard a crash behind us. I looked back to see the DVD player and surrounding movies scattered all over the floor. Right in the middle of the pile, alive and moving, was a snake! Feeling a little stressed, my companion jumped to her feet and took several steps away from the area, while I moved to the edge of my seat. The investigator informed us he knew the whole time that the snake would get out and might try to come near us...a little warning might have been nice, don't ya think?...after moving the snake back into it's home, I notice that the table the cage was placed on was not actually a table, it was an even larger snake cage! Filled with an even larger snake! let's just say for various reasons my companion and I will not be going back to his home....
We had a wonderful experience with our investigator Ivy, who was baptized this weekend!! Her husband is a member, coming back into activation in the church and they have a 7 year old son. It's the best feeling ever to unite a family into the gospel!! Her baptism was small (she's pretty shy) and so perfect for her. We were able to have a small lunch in after, where she told us the baptism was all she expected it to be and more! It was a perfect day :) however, now we've baptised everyone in our teaching pool! We've got to get to work finding more of the Lord's children to bring into the gospel.
For the past few weeks we've been anticipating the departure of our dear sweet mission president. The day has finally arrived for him to leave! I've been so blessed to have the same president for the bulk of my mission and I shed a tear or two for President Gelwix and his wife as they left. He is such a powerful president who has taught me what no other person could have taught me, exact obedience. His diligent teachings of basic principles have instilled in me how important it is to abide by the rules the Lord has set, with no exceptions. How I love President Gelwix :) I will miss him. 

Kia Kaha in the CFM!

Sister LeStarge

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