Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Devil's Work-Out

Hey There,

   This week has proven to be the most painful week on my mission yet! While on exchanges this week I quickly realized I forgot my shoes for our morning (required 20 minute) run! Without shoes I locked my companion and I into the members back yard to do some kind of home-made workout...that was my mistake. Standing on the patio barefoot I felt great as I proceeded to do 50 jumping-jacks! Then using a narrow strip of cement pathway I tried lunges. Another 50 jumping-jacks, some high knee jumps, more lunges, more jumping-jacks and so on, and so on. I worked up quite a sweat and felt better than I did after a run! Feeling pretty proud of myself I hit the shower. It probably didn't even take an hour for me to realize I made the biggest mistake of my life by forgetting to stretch properly before and after...muscles aren't very merciful. I've struggled going up and down the flight of stairs to our apartment, getting in and out of the car and even carrying my bag on my sore shoulder! Jumping-jacks are the devil's work-out. For the past few weeks as my companion has been in Physical Therapy all the while I've had to massage out knots in her back. This week the tables turned as she dug her fingers into my shoulders, back and legs trying to work out my knots....companions aren't very merciful either...
    This week I also experienced the most amount of anxiety I've ever felt in my life! We had set up Saturday for one of our members to pick up our investigator for church. Come Sunday morning though, she informed the member she would drive herself and meet us all there. 15 minutes before sacrament started she let us know she was still coming and would be there ASAP! We waited patiently as church started. Half way through the meeting she still wasn't there! We again texted her to ask If she was on her way. 10 minutes before the meeting ended she plopped down next to us. What a relief! She was able to stay for the following two meetings, which was perfect because she got to meet so many members!  She felt very loved as most members mentioned how they had heard a lot about her and had been praying for her. After church got out we asked her if she had a time this week we could meet with her to prepare her further for baptism, she suggested right then! Instead we took her to the next wards sacrament informing her she needed to attend two sacrament meetings before her baptism. She now meets the requirements! Next week She'll be coming to church on time to hear my companion and I perform a musical number via cello and ask me how I got talked into that one...

Have a great week!
l Love you all and am praying for you!

Sister LeStarge 

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