Thursday, August 14, 2014

Can You Talk?

As my Samoan companion would say,


This week has been  hectic! Isn't every week that way as a missionary? Well this week has been especially hectic! I can't tell you how many trips we made to and from Fresno! It's been a busy driving week...which makes this sister tired! At one point we had to pull over and take a 10 minute nap because I was falling asleep at the wheel!! Dangerous stuff. 
 We received a wonderful training for all the missionaries training and being trained. We were given some wonderful counsel by President Clark (who I absolutely love!), and even had some break off time to meet as trainers and discuss how it's been going. As we went around the "power circle" I wasn't surprised to hear some trainers express their struggles in training (remembering how much of a brat I was to my trainer long ago). When it came my turn, I looked around the room and said "Well, I'm sorry you're all having struggles ,but my trainee is great!! The only thing I can't get her to do is correct me! and that's because she thinks I'm perfect!" (which I'm still trying to show her all of my countless flaws). It was a good discovery time though with all the other trainers, I learned there are a whole lot of things  I'm doing well, and even more things I need to change in order to see that Sister Maukeni has the best opportunities grow and improve. 
  At the end of the day I was standing next to a sister who carpooled up with us, ( one I love and adore and feel is probably a lost child of my parents) and we were talking to a set of elders sitting down. While my temporary companion was talking to one elder, his companion, a new elder from mexico with a thick accent said "Sister, can you talk?"....Knowing very well that I could, I was confused by his question and said "Yes elder ,I can talk"....he goes on "Well, will...will you...will you talk to me?" Oh that poor little Elder, I had to keep in my laughter because I knew he was working on his english but it was just the funniest way to have started a conversation. He later expressed how on his first day in the mission he remembered role playing with me, and he was so amazed with how fast I could talk. He said "one day I will talk as fast as you! I can do it in spanish, but not in english" day elder, one day. 

The work goes on here in the CFM! I know every experience I have here is preparing me for something great the Lord has in store for me. I love my mission, but I love the Lord even more for calling me to the work!

Sister LeStarge. 

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