Friday, May 31, 2013

A week of teaching

Hey Everyone!

  Things are slowly moving here in California, but they're moving! Sister Sims and I learned this week the power of having members present in our lessons! This past Monday we picked up three new investigators! A little girl and her parents! We'll be teaching them the second discussion tonight (with a member!). They've accepted the story of Joseph Smith and we've asked them to read from the Book of Mormon but they're so busy we're a little worried they won't make time. Our other family of 6 investigating came to church! We taught them a lesson Saturday (well half the family, three were out of town) and it was so wonderful! We again had two members come and as they bore their testimony of the Book of Mormon the mother and daughter began to cry! It was great! The spirit was so strong! So of course we invited them to church the next day! I had to speak on Sunday to cover the Youth speaker (I spoke on Patriarchal Blessing) so it was a perfect opportunity to ask investigators to come! and they did! Our members loved the meetings and it was their second time coming to church so they could be baptized! We still have to set a date but I'm determined they will be baptized this transfer! Its so exciting! We unfortunately had to drop two single men we were teaching so that was kind of disappointing. One wouldn't make time for us to teach him because he was always out of town and the other fought the book of Mormon. We'll still check in on them from time to time. 
Sister Sims and I are doing much better as a companionship. I've learned that its incredibly easy to tease her and so now I do it non stop....but she's a great sport about it. We just poke fun at each other all day long. This week we pulled up to a inactive's house and Sister Sims started tromping through their lawn. Before I could stop her she turned around and said "I think I just stepped in dog crap". Sure enough she did! And that's why we use sidewalks Sister Sims! I'll never let her forget it. She's discovered my competitive nature this week too. In fact she said to a member this week "Some times I feel like I'm winning... but then Sister LeStarge will say something and end up winning! I can never beat her!" Haha! Not only do I carry the LeStarge name on my tag but also our family spirit! It was the best complement she's ever given me! (don't worry though it's a light fun competitive spirit nothing that would hurt our companionship).
  I love my mission and I can't believe I've already made it through my first transfer. I know that Jesus is the Living Christ and my Savior. I love teaching the people here about who he is! I know that He loves me and is only going to bless me!

Love Sister LeStarge

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