Friday, May 31, 2013


We taught our family of 6 this week, the Calaways. We extended a baptismal invitation to them for June 15 and they got a little scared. They said a date is a lot of pressure for them. The father is about to go on a 6 week trip for work (he's in motion pictures) but he said he'd like to take the lessons with his family via Skype  They didn't reject our invitation and said if they knew the book of Mormon was true it wouldn't even be a question if they needed to get baptized! So we're still hoping to get them baptized next month! I took Dad's advice for our Filipino investigator! and found her a Filipino member! So we'll have her come with us to our investigators house! We have our first baptism this Saturday! Its for a little boy named Brayden, hes 10. Pray he gets baptized this Saturday! We keep having to push back his date...well I love the work! I'm so glad I'm so glad I'm here, I'm like putty in the Lords hands and he's shaping me into the person I've always wanted to become!
I pray for you each day and I hope you feel the Lord blessing you through my work. I love you both so much!

Love Sister LeStarge.

Oh shoot I titled my last e-mail as transfers and forgot to talk about them! Well I made it through my first transfer! I'm not going anywhere! Dry Creek is a great place to be! I hear its one of the wealthiest places in the whole mission (no wonder I get fed every day and get free retainers!) I'm super bummed because my favorite Elders are going home! How sad? We also had our districts mixed up! I think the reason is because one of the districts elder and sisters got a little too of the sisters told me the elders made them breakfast and brought it too them! What on this planet earth goes through their heads that would make them think its okay to do that? they've also bought them lunch several times...but I'm super excited for our new district! Elder Sims (just like my companion but not related) the black elder will be joining our district and hes SUPER funny so I can't wait! Lets see how long I stay here! 

-Love Sister LeStarge

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