Saturday, July 6, 2013

Miracle Week

Hey Everyone! 

Wow missions are amazing! Did you know that!? So amazing. I'm learning more here than I ever have in all my life! I am constantly striving to change into the woman the Lord wants me to be! 
This week we saw an incredible miracle that makes me want to cry just thinking about it! Our family of 6 accepted our baptismal invitation! They'll be baptized on July 13th! What a miracle! The only bad news is that transfers are on July 3rd! If one of us are transferred we wont get to see the baptisms! The family is so incredible and I love them all so much! They really are coming to understand that the gospel is true! What an amazing blessing it is to baptize a whole family! The Lord has prepared children and Sister Sims and I will find them! On the flip side we had to drop an investigator! How sad! He told us he wouldn't ever read the Book of Mormon the way he reads the bible. We'll still have his fellowship stop by and we'll do the same, just not as regularly. 
Speaking of fellowship I love the members here! Such giving people! Always doing their best! Always willing to help! I know I will keep in contact with some of these families after my mission. We had our dinner appointment cancel yesterday and instead of going hungry we had two dinner appointments! (don't be worried I'm still under 120 lbs!) We still have about 10 appointments a week with members (not including dinner appointments) and we know they are really trying to find us referrals to teach! They really are the key to missionary work! We're still tracting about 2 hours a day with no luck, but we've been biking a lot! We biked 19 miles this week! We stop and talk to everyone! Biking is the best way to go when you want to do some street contacting! 
I've got to run! Sorry this email is so short but our zone wants to play some dodgeball! 


Sister LeStarge

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