Tuesday, May 14, 2013

First Week in the Field!!

This was sent 4/15/13

Hello everyone!

Wow can you believe I've been out for 3 weeks already?! I love it! I am especially grateful for today! Preparation day! I was only allowed one in the MTC so today was needed! I've given 1 1/2 hours to email so hopefully that's enough time to tell you all about this weeks experiences! I guess the best approach would be to tackle by topics again, round 2!
Leaving the MTC: What an amazing experience I had at the MTC! I LOVED IT! So amazing, but I wouldn't have stayed there for another day! I was ready to leave. Throughout the two weeks I was there I struggled to feel the spirit. I felt good but really struggled with inviting the spirit into my teaching. Finally on our last day the spirit poured out upon me! Our teacher asked us to do an activity he did while in the MTC, promising that if we took it seriously we would be strengthened. Our goal was to read 1 Nephi 1 with our companions in 5 minute shifts, then as we read share what insights and our testimony as prompted to do so. I read first and after 5 minutes Sister Otterstrom couldn't read because tears were brought to her eyes! Once she got going I lost it and started crying! Lehi is such an amazing man and put great faith in the Lord. After crying through the chapter we had to teach our investigator. He committed to  be baptized and as soon as I returned to our classroom I felt overwhelmed by the spirit and balled! Wept! Sobbed! With a smile on my face! I was so happy! I'm sure the Elders thought I was a wacko! It was the greatest day of my mission so far. 
The next day we woke up at 3 am and for the airport! Elder Gayan and Elder Wilson (who I believe will be some of my best friends after my mission) entertained me the whole ride! I was crying I laughed so hard (which happened just about everyday with those two) In the airport I got to talk to  My Dad! (sorry mom...) how great of a comfort it was to hear someone's voice I recognized.
Our flights to Fresno were awesome! I was one of the lucky missionaries who got to sit by a real life person! I shared small messages from the gospel with two gentlemen. It gave me a confidence boost that I can do this!
THE FIELD: Fresno is beautiful! I CAN'T believe my parents never took the time to take me to Cali. That's rude. The first day was taken over by house keeping business. The first meal we had was at the mission home and it was exciting and so sad! Exciting because we were ready to go but so sad because it was my last meal with my MTC district. I'll miss them so much (although most of them are in my Zone so I get to see them once a week).
DRY CREEK: What a great name for my first area right? We're thinking of re naming it Waters of Mormon. I love this area though! Its tough, we have the lowest baptism  numbers in our mission. We have no investigators but we plan to revive the members and get them excited about missionary work. We hope they can give us some referrals. The houses are similar to my own home (as far as class goes). Most people aren't interested n  our message as we go tracting but I know we'll get someone eventually! I love the members here though, it reminds me of my own home ward (which I miss more than anything!) We've been given a car because our area is so infested with fields but we also have a bike. Its a beautiful bike that unfortunately I haven't been able to ride yet. The Sisters aren't allowed to go tracting after dark so usually we drive around to visit members. The work is tough here but that's what a mission is all about right? Our mission president likes to emphasize that we don't work hard here in the California Fresno mission, we work smart.
MY TRAINER: Sister Sims! She's from Valparaiso! Kinda...she's moved around a time or two. She's awesome though, exactly what I need. She teaches me everything but above all she teaches me patience! I've been praying to have more patience for years so here she is! She's just as tiny as I am! Well sorta...but we can swap clothes! She's been out for 9 months and trained 3 other Sisters. She's really understanding and helps me through any mistakes I might make. I love her.
MY MISSION PRESIDENT: President Larry Gelwix! Hes SO AWESOME. I'm terrified of him. BUT HES SO AWESOME! Such an inspired man and so loving. He's a couch through and through (which is why I think he's so intimidating). He's speaks so powerfully and really hits home to inspire and uplift us. I love his wife too. Behind every great man is a great woman and that's so true! She is wonderful.
I LOVE my mission. Its really the best thing that's ever happened to me. I know that this is where the Lord needs me. I have faith that in time he will reveal to me why I'm here. I love my savior Jesus Christ he is my redeemer and the only way I can get back home to my Father in Heaven.

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