Monday, May 13, 2013

From the MTC...

(This was sent while Julie was in the MTC...4/4/13) 

Hello Family and Friends!
Wow what a busy week at the MTC! I've decided the best way to go about telling you what I've been up to is by topic, so here goes! (also if I mention anyone's name just know I asked them for permission first!)
THE MCT: I love it! I only wish you could be here with me to have the wonderful experiences I've been so blessed to to be involved in. I am truly honored to have the opportunity to prepare for my mission here. It is so easy to feel the spirit of the Lord around so many incredible missionaries! Its is as crowded as they say, on the day I entered there were over 600 missionaries arriving, with record numbers of how even the split was (around 300 sisters and 300 elders) I don't know how many are here exactly but they tell me over 3,000. Its expected that by July they will have 8,000. The MTC has rented out a BYU apartment complex next door to house the incoming missionaries because they just don't have space! In each room you get cozy with the 6 people living in your room. Meals are especially crazy. I don't know how many of us eat at once but I would guess around 1,000. The horror stories you hear about the food are all lies, the food is pretty average but not gross and no one gets sick (if they do its in there head). My only complaint is that my meal times are so close together so I eat a big breakfast and mainly snack the rest of the day. I really do wish everyone of you was here though to have an experience like I am.
MY COMPANION: Sister Otterstrom! I love her! How blessed am I to have my first companion be so great! She is as easy going as I am so we get along perfectly! We feel the spirit when we teach investigators because we have no contention. She has huge amounts of patience for me and I try my hardest to give as I can to her.  She has a cosmetology license and does my hair every morning (isn't she sweet?!) I have truly been blessed to love and serve such a wonderful daughter of God.
MY DISTRICT: I LOVE THEM! I can't even put into words how amazing my district is! there is a deep love we have for each other and I feel they are my family here. Our district is a little smaller than most with 9 missionaries total (4 sisters and 5 elders, yes there is a trio in there!) So i'm sure that's why we're able to love and care for each other so much. I am convinced that I knew these missionaries as my brothers and Sisters before I came to earth. The trio of Elders are going to Sacramento California and the rest of us are going to Fresno! Yesterday we met a few more companionships of Elders going to Fresno as well but I'm not sure if too many more sisters are going to our area. Our district had the COOLEST experience ever last Friday that we will never forget.  Our district was chosen to participate in a special training. We learned that the curriculum that will be taught to the new English speaking missionaries, since we're only here for 2 weeks now the leaders have decided to condense the lesson material into shorter lessons (the lessons we learn, not the lessons we teach.) We acted as the gunea pigs for the whole MTC, not to mention the rest of the incoming missionaries entering the in future. As a part of our training we were taught how to give the first discussion in full length, down to one minute (in case thats all the time we'll have to teach someone we stop on our bikes!) Our training lasted all day and was so worth it! Before this training we all felt so lost! We found ourselves wondering if this is how confused we'd be or whole mission. We had no clue what to study, how to teach or even where to begin. Our special training though gave us wave of excitement to preach the Gospel! After our training I wanted to shout from the mountain tops! Run door to door! Proclaim our message of happiness to all the world! I think what made the training so great was our teacher, the MTC's head missionary trainer (I don't think that's his official title) He was incredible. I love my district they are so amazing. I now feel that I can be a great missionary.
What I love: I love this Gospel! I love the MTC! I love that I finally understand why I'm here! I love the doctrine of Jesus Christ! I love to learn! I love my Savior Jesus Christ! I love My Father in Heaven most of all.
Please feel free to write me! I would love letters or packages. My story about those goes like this: On our third day in the MTC my companion got 3 packages! 3 PACKAGES! I'm sure you could imagine how sad I felt walking back to our room carrying nothing while my companion had her arms full. However, later that day I received a package slip! YES! Someone in this world did love me! We raced back to the mail room only to discover it was closed until monday! MONDAY!? How rude. I waited out all of Easter to get my Easter package the next day. My dear sweet mother does love me though because she sent me a package (which had everything I love it it). I'll be in the MTC for another week then its out to the field! Send me letters through and I'll get the letter that very day!
-Sister LeStarge

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