Friday, May 31, 2013

Here's and update of my week!

It was such as busy week and I learned so much!

Monday: Preparation Day! I can't believe how fast this day flies by! We wake up at 6 :30 and throw in laundry before running (yes we're required to run here!) then we get ready for the day and switch laundry again, its such a blessing to have free laundry! After studies we usually run around getting groceries  cleaning our home and washing our car. Then it's off to the church to e-mail and play sports! After that we home to eat dinner with the family we live with (which we do every Monday). Last Monday after Dinner we presented a Family Home Evening Lesson to a Family at 7 and another at 8. We taught a lesson on faith using the Tea Bag trick. The Kids in both families were pretty amazed! I love the Members of the ward, they all have such an excitement to share the gospel!

Tuesday: Exchanges with Sister Otterstrom! We all know how much I love her! We had such a great day covering both our areas and we saw a wonderful miracle. We stopped by a mans house in her area who had previously met with Elders, but for whatever reason the man didn't like one of the Elders and told them to never come back. Sister Otterstrom felt very strongly about visiting this man. We pulled in his driveway and he was sitting on his porch, he let us pull up some chairs and talk with him. He said he loved Mormons and respected them greatly, his only struggle was with Joseph Smith. We cleared up a few confusing things and committed him to come church. Before we left we bore testimony to him that God loves all of us and He knows us all by name. The man (who was a retired Marine, big and tough) began to weep! Then Sister Otterstrom lost it too! The spirit was so strong! After we left we pulled over to give a prayer of gratitude and I began to cry! I love Sister Otterstrom and the spirit we have together. 

Wednesday: Zone Meeting! I love my zone! As I've said before I love the Elders and I love the Sisters. We were taught by the Zone Leaders how to give proper correction to our companion. I have to admit I was given a fair warning by my sibling of what a mission would be like and I feel like I was pretty prepared, but no one told me how much correction you would give or receive! I feel that I take it very well but I'm still learning to give it properly. That night we tried to visit one of our investigators but he wasn't home so we left him an assignment. We hope to baptize him this month but its up to his mom and grandparents to pick the date. 

Thursday: Sisters Conference! The mission held a special sisters conference for all the sisters serving in the mission.  We heard from President and his wife (I wish I could express how incredible they both are). We had great counsel given and we were so uplifted! (except I forgot my notes or I would tell you more!)

Friday: Exchanges again! I got to work with Hermana Wilson! Shes going home in two weeks and she's so incredible! She's exactly obedient but so super laid back I looked like a worry wart! She and I found a new investigator together! He's a retired cop we've been visiting for a while now but we taught him a lesson and set up and appointment with him for tomorrow! We also taught three member families that day and received three referrals from members! It was pretty incredible for our area!

Saturday: was super boring because all we did was weekly planning...but we did visit 2 of our 3 referrals and set up appointments to come back! At night we went to our wards "Youth auction" the youth set up a night auctioning off all kinds of things to raise money for their activities. They donate and the members donate all kinds of products and services! One sister is a professional photographer and she auctioned off a free photo shoot for a family. Another Sister is a nanny and auctioned off a weekend of babysitting. Someone brought a tandem bike and auctioned off that. It was a pretty successful night! 

Sunday: I got to talk to my family! But my biggest regret is forgetting to wish my mom a Happy Mothers Day! I just got so excited I forgot all together. Happy belated Mothers Day mom! 

I love this gospel and I'm so happy the Lord is growing in me!

Sister LeStarge

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