Friday, May 31, 2013

I'm so excited for this upcoming week!

This week has been so awesome! I really can't believe how fast the weeks go by here! The days are long, but time just slips between my fingers like sand. I love the work and I love my mission!! I'm so blessed to be in Fresno! This week we had a Trainer Trainee meeting and it changed my mission! President Gelwix, his assistants and the Ccoordinating Sisters gave us our training. I have deep love and respect for President Glewix, he was truly called to lead this mission and he does a fantastic job with it. His wife is so incredible too. Behind every great man is an even greater woman and Sister Gelwix is proof of that. She is full of spunk and personality while she loves and cares for all of us. While at our trainer trainee meeting President had time to meet with Sister Sims and I. He gave us counsel on the struggles we've been having and its changed my mission! He warned me of pride and the destruction it can bring to our companionship and future relationships. He warned Sister Sims of inconsistency, that it only confuse and misguide me. Together he counseled us to ask for correction multiple times a day. We've been striving our best to work with his counsel and its working! Sister Sims and I have had a great week getting along and are learning to laugh! The best part of meeting with the President was the promise he gave to us. He promised us that if we harness our personalities we could be the greatest companionship in the mission. What an amazing promise! We're working our hardest to fulfill it!
This upcoming we is going to be so busy! I can't wait! Sister Sims will be at leadership training tomorrow so I get to be companions with....drumb roll please....SISTER OTTERSTROM! (my MTC companion) I can't wait!! It's going to be the BEST DAY EVER!! I can't even describe how much I love Sister Otterstrom! I've said it before and I'll say it again, She and I will be best friends long after our missions. We'll be covering her area and mine but it shouldn't be too hard because they use to be a combined area. We've got several appointments set up so we'll be busy! On WWednesday we've got Zone meetings, Thursday is a special Sisters Cconference and exchanges (until Saturday morning), Friday we've got 4 hours of service, Saturday we've got a mission service project and Sunday is Mothers Day! Such a busy week ahead of me! So many appointments! Today Sister Sims and I get to Teach a family of 6! It's our second lesson with them and we're so excited! They have 4 children ages 21 to 12.  We can't wait to share the Gospel with them! This week we got 2 more investigators and 2 potentials!! That's great for our area but extremely low compared to the rest of our mission! I know that the Lord has people he wants me to find and teach! I love my mission and I'm working smart!
-Sister LeStarge

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