Tuesday, May 14, 2013

My Birthday!

This was sent 4/30/13
Hello Friends and Family!
Wow I had a such a busy week! Zone Conference, Birthday, Temple trip, and teaching my first lesson!
Zone Conference: Was incredible! I took some notes but they didn't do justice! I love President Gelwix, his counsel is inspired and he knows exactly what we need. Four zones met  together, Fresno, Fresno North (my zone), Fresno West, and Fresno East. I think we had about 80-100 missionaries. President addressed the topic of urgency. He started by telling us about his "Mission President Conference" he went to with all the California missions. L. Tom Perry was there and gave President Gelwix inspired goals just for the Fresno mission. We are to:
1. Each companion have 20 investigators each. 
2. Teach 20 lessons a week.
3. Baptize every month.
Its pretty intimidating considering my companion and I only have 7 investigators (a family of 6 and a woman). but president explained how its all a matter of faith. He called us to repentance for being disconnected to the Lord and His will. Sister Sims and I pray way more now! My favorite thing from zone conference though was a quote President said about urgency. He told us a story of his Highland Rugby team loosing the Championships of 1999. He explained the terrible loss of the team and how a young man (who was a senior) struggled to accept the loss. Presidents quote was:
"At the end of your mission you will take off your tag for the last time"
It hit me that although I'm still new to the mission, at one point I will take off my tag for the last time. This makes me want to run door to door! spreading the gospel as fast as I can! It was a pretty great conference though.
MY BIRTHDAY: MY BIRTHDAY WAS THE BEST DAY I'VE HAD SO FAR! Such an excellent day!! As you've probably noticed I didn't have preparation day on my birthday, that's because we had a temple trip scheduled for Tuesday so Tuesday became our preparation day. But on my birthday District meeting took place (we meet as a zone first) so I got to see everyone I love! And I LOVE MY ZONE! Everyone was so sweet and kind to make my birthday special. Sister Otterstrom my MTC companion made me a card and had everyone in the zone sign it. The Zone Leaders gave me a $15 gift card for Cold Stone and the Elders in the Zone made me a card with and AWESOME quote and a $15 gift card for Subway. How sweet are they?! After District meeting we typically go out to eat for lunch and I picked a place called The Habit, a pretty good burger place. An Elder picked up my lunch and a Sister bought me Ice-Cream! Wooo! I love free birthday lunches! I sat with Elder Wilson, Elder Sims and Sister Otterstrom and had a great time. Those missionaries will be some of my best friends after my mission. After that the other sisters in the zone took me over to Cold Stone for more Ice-Cream (Its my birthday, I can have 2 ice-creams?). We visited an older Sister who lives alone after lunch and taught her the first discussion (shes been a member for 24 years but we're practicing the discussions on our members). We then ran over to and investigators house for the biggest surprise a day! Her name is Lily and she's Catholic and when we arrived at her door she had a whole Birthday Dinner set up for me! The crazy part is I've only  met her 1 time!! That's right 1 time! Last Thursday we set up and appointment to teach her a lesson on Monday and my companion mentioned it was my birthday! Not only did Lily make me a whole dinner but she bought me a cake at the nicest bakery in town, that said "Happy Birthday Sister L"! Poor sweet woman couldn't even remember my name! We taught her a lesson one prayer and committed her to read the Book of Mormon and Pray about it. We also set up a church tour for this Thursday. Shes incredible! After our 1st dinner with Lily we headed over to our appointment dinner with the family we're living with! I was warned I would eat two dinners but I didn't believe it! Its funny how when you tell people its your birthday they automatically give you food. The very best part of my birthday was the package I got to open from my mom!!! SHE'S THE BEST! THE LITERAL BEST!  I wish I could have recorded myself opening it because I squealed like a pig with excitement. She sent me a beautiful new bag! (that feels like butter). How awesome is my family? Very awesome. I loved my birthday, its a day I'll tell people about for years.
I've got to go my e-mailing time is out!  
-Sister LeStarge

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