Saturday, July 6, 2013


Hey Everyone! 
Things are still moving along in Fresno! Sister Sims and I have so much fun with one another! We push one another to reach our greatest potentials! She's told me a few times that she'll often forget shes training me! We're like co-companions? We had a Zone Conference this past week and we begged President to keep us together! I don't think he believed us until we told his wife too! Sister Sims and I are doing great though. 
This week was a little more rough, our investigators cancelled on us and were unable to attend sacrament! NO! That's the worst! For this week we're hoping to schedule multiple appointments to teach because it's summer for the kids out here. 
Speaking of summer! Sister Sims and I rode our bikes again! It was 109! Blazing Inferno! A member said when she saw us riding down the road she almost pulled over and called President to complain! While we were riding I was in the lead and I saw this pretty stick! As I got closer I thought "that's not a stick! that's a snake! Ah!" I was too close to stop so I ran over it with my bike screaming! As soon as Sister Sims saw what I was screaming about she screamed bloody murder! We both took a minute to come back from that one!  This morning while taking out our laundry we both froze when we saw this enormous wolf spider! It was the size of a sticky note! That giant! gross...what was the Lord thinking making all these creepy crawlies? 
Well our little pranks with the Elders ended...they surrendered! After we put tuna in their car they knew they couldn't beat us but it was a good time! One of the Zone leaders told me we were his favorite pair of sisters and thats a genuine complement because his biggest pet peeve is sister missionaries! We love the Elders in our zone, this week we played dodge ball and set up barricades with tables! no mercy is shown there...
I've got to get back to playing in there but thanks mom for the CD's! I've been playing them for everyone and they all want a copy! They're such great  CDs! I love you all!
Sister LeStarge

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