Saturday, July 6, 2013


Hey Everyone!
 We survived transfers!! Sister Sims and I have another 6 weeks together! Best.News.Ever. We're really blessed and fortunate! Of all the missionaries in our zone (10 companionships total with 2 trios) the Zone leader (my favorite Elders) along with Sister Sims and I were the only ones who stayed together! All other companionships got split up! Our zone was slaughtered. We're so blessed though because we get to baptize the whole Calaway family!!!! July 13th is their date! Their friend who introduced them to the gospel (who has recently moved to Utah) will be flying in to baptize them! I love their family! For the 4th we'll be teaching them a lesson, going bowling with them (we have permission to do so) then painting their daughters bedroom! A whole day with the Calaways! Its a miracle! Yesterday we ate our second dinner of the evening with them. Right before we went into their house I made a comment and Sister Sims laughed so hard she threw up our first dinner! No better way to make room for the second dinner than by loosing the first right? Gross. We'll also be baptizing our 11 year old investigator  on July 11th! The following Sunday we'll have 7 confirmations!! The Lord is blowing this area out of the water! We're so blessed! We're also incedibly blessed to have listened to the broadcast last week from the General Authority! Our members are really responding to their call! I love this area and I'm so grateful to stay here. However we know next transfer one of us will have to move. 
 I've decided I could never live in California because its a blazing furnace...This week its suppose to be over 105 everyday...our leaders won't let us ride our bikes. This past week we went out tracting (we've tracted about 70% of our area now) and I swear I was sweating buckets. California is too hot. On Sunday we went tracting and a man denied us water then shut the door! rude. Good thing we have members all over that take good care of us. I like to think that we have the most member trust in our whole mission! 
Ah! I'm so excited to see Ben and Jen got a puppy! Its so little! I hope they name him Gus, that's a cute name for the little guy! We'll I guess he won't get that big so I'll see him when he's still small! I love this work and I love the Gospel! I am so blessed to have people to share the gospel with! One of our mission mottos is "Never Quit, Never Surrender"! 

Love Sister LeStarge

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