Saturday, July 6, 2013

Flesh Eating Skin Disease

Hey Family!

I'm so glad to hear of the great miracles the Lord has blessed our family with! What a great blessing Jenna and the kids are alright! That's a bummer that old goat ran into her...but its a blessing to see the Lords had in all things. I'm so grateful little Jonah is okay! He's a little stud watching his cartoons and getting all his snacks while he can, not too sure many 3 year old's know how to do that. 
Thanks for sending me a package mom, I'm sure i'll get it soon, thanks for putting a few dollars into my account too! We went out to eat as a zone this week and one elder forgot his wallet! I was the only one willing to cover him so I got a little behind on money this month...
That so exciting Joey goes into the MTC this week! Welcome to chaos Joe...I didn't know Ethan got his call to Brazil! Crazy, we just lost one of my favorite elders to Brazil, his visa finally came, but the Lord needs his missionaries all over the world! Well we all better pray he doesn't have Lyme's disease, that would be super inconvenient...speaking of diseases I'm breaking out all over my body in little bumps! They itch like crazy!  I don't think its a disease but its some kind of allergic reaction. I already had the mission nurse look at it and she thinks its a reaction too, we just have to figure out to what?
I'm so excited you were able to start renovations on the kitchen! I'll come home and I won't recognize it! You should build in a dog door for bandit too! I'm excited to have more counter space to cook! I really miss cooking...we still get fed here everyday, now they're starting to sign us up for lunch appointments. The Elders are really impressed Sister Sims and I ride our bikes as much as we do, the members too. They say its good for the community to see us and recognize us. I haven't fallen off my bike yet Dad, don't worry you taught me well. The other day i was leading and I swore Sister Sims was right behind me but when I pulled into our driveway there was no sign of her! Shoot, not everyone is as blessed as I am to have such powerful legs, I left her in the dust and had to go back. I guess I'll just have to look back more often...
In 3 days I'll hit my 3 month mark and I'll only have 15 months left! Whoa that's crazy! It feels like I just got here...We have transfers next Wednesday and calls come Saturday so i could be getting a new area. This area's awesome but it's really difficult to find people! and my zone leaders are awesome!!! (typed by elder oldham) We taught the Calaways today! I LOVE their family. I told them to hang a picture of me on their wall next to their kids and Kim said "Okay bring the picture next week!" I'm so blessed to be able to teach them. Earlier in the week we taught them about the priesthood and I was worried they didn't understand it exactly...kaylee got home from camp and had the stomach flu ( apparently they had a break out of it at camp and had to send 30 girls home) We asked her if she would like a priesthood blessing and she accepted. We asked the elders to give the blessing and they did a great job explaining the process using james 5:14-15. Each of the daughters got a blessing (the other had an asthma  attack the night before) by the end of the blessings the whole family was in tears! They all got to see the priesthood in action! yes! I love the priesthood! This morning however, we taught them the lesson on chastity. Their oldest son is gay and has a boyfriend so we're a little concerned about pray for Conner! 
I'm out of time but I'm going to spend a little time writing letters this week! so look for those! 

Love Sister LeStarge

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