Saturday, July 6, 2013

Greg McKewon

Hey Everyone!

This week was pretty great! We had a special training on Friday given from Greg McKewon! He's a Wall Street Journal Best Selling Author and he's incredible! President Gelwix has great connections and asked him to meet with us for a day! He gave us an all day training on Existentialism and basically its changed the goals of my mission! We learned to go back to the basics and meet the essential goals the Lord wants us to accomplish. We often as missionaries progress a millimeter in a million different directions but if we channel all our energy to the one goal the Lord has for us we'll progress at a rapid pace. I think my favorite part of the training was the way he talks! Hes originally from England so he's got an accent, I could just listen to him all day...good thing I did! 
At the end of the day President got up and spoke about the goals the Lord has for this mission and how great they are, one elder stood up and said "President I support you in your goals but even more I support the Lord". Another Elder stood up and said the same thing, then two more! Eventually all of us were standing re-committing ourselves to the work and to the Lord, I think just about everyone was crying in the end, the spirit moved us all! I love the Lord and I love President Gelwix and I'm here to serve them both! (but mainly the Lord). 
Sister Sims and I also got to teach our family of 6! We love their family so much and we are so grateful for the opportunity to teach with the spirit! this week they committed to keep the Word of Wisdom and to keep the Sabbath Day Holy. I wish everyone got to teach this family because they're just so great! One of their daughters is even going to Girls Camp this week! We've still kept their baptism date for the 13th of July so they can be baptized as a whole family! 
Sister Sims and I rode our bikes a ton this week, we feel that it's the best way to talk to everyone. One particular day Sister Sims was struggling with keeping balance on her bike, she ended up falling three times in a row! I had to get off my bike because I laughed so hard! 
I love you all so much! I've got to go because my companion and I are in charge of the Zone activity today! 

-Love Sister LeStarge

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