Friday, May 31, 2013

A week of teaching

Hey Everyone!

  Things are slowly moving here in California, but they're moving! Sister Sims and I learned this week the power of having members present in our lessons! This past Monday we picked up three new investigators! A little girl and her parents! We'll be teaching them the second discussion tonight (with a member!). They've accepted the story of Joseph Smith and we've asked them to read from the Book of Mormon but they're so busy we're a little worried they won't make time. Our other family of 6 investigating came to church! We taught them a lesson Saturday (well half the family, three were out of town) and it was so wonderful! We again had two members come and as they bore their testimony of the Book of Mormon the mother and daughter began to cry! It was great! The spirit was so strong! So of course we invited them to church the next day! I had to speak on Sunday to cover the Youth speaker (I spoke on Patriarchal Blessing) so it was a perfect opportunity to ask investigators to come! and they did! Our members loved the meetings and it was their second time coming to church so they could be baptized! We still have to set a date but I'm determined they will be baptized this transfer! Its so exciting! We unfortunately had to drop two single men we were teaching so that was kind of disappointing. One wouldn't make time for us to teach him because he was always out of town and the other fought the book of Mormon. We'll still check in on them from time to time. 
Sister Sims and I are doing much better as a companionship. I've learned that its incredibly easy to tease her and so now I do it non stop....but she's a great sport about it. We just poke fun at each other all day long. This week we pulled up to a inactive's house and Sister Sims started tromping through their lawn. Before I could stop her she turned around and said "I think I just stepped in dog crap". Sure enough she did! And that's why we use sidewalks Sister Sims! I'll never let her forget it. She's discovered my competitive nature this week too. In fact she said to a member this week "Some times I feel like I'm winning... but then Sister LeStarge will say something and end up winning! I can never beat her!" Haha! Not only do I carry the LeStarge name on my tag but also our family spirit! It was the best complement she's ever given me! (don't worry though it's a light fun competitive spirit nothing that would hurt our companionship).
  I love my mission and I can't believe I've already made it through my first transfer. I know that Jesus is the Living Christ and my Savior. I love teaching the people here about who he is! I know that He loves me and is only going to bless me!

Love Sister LeStarge


We taught our family of 6 this week, the Calaways. We extended a baptismal invitation to them for June 15 and they got a little scared. They said a date is a lot of pressure for them. The father is about to go on a 6 week trip for work (he's in motion pictures) but he said he'd like to take the lessons with his family via Skype  They didn't reject our invitation and said if they knew the book of Mormon was true it wouldn't even be a question if they needed to get baptized! So we're still hoping to get them baptized next month! I took Dad's advice for our Filipino investigator! and found her a Filipino member! So we'll have her come with us to our investigators house! We have our first baptism this Saturday! Its for a little boy named Brayden, hes 10. Pray he gets baptized this Saturday! We keep having to push back his date...well I love the work! I'm so glad I'm so glad I'm here, I'm like putty in the Lords hands and he's shaping me into the person I've always wanted to become!
I pray for you each day and I hope you feel the Lord blessing you through my work. I love you both so much!

Love Sister LeStarge.

Oh shoot I titled my last e-mail as transfers and forgot to talk about them! Well I made it through my first transfer! I'm not going anywhere! Dry Creek is a great place to be! I hear its one of the wealthiest places in the whole mission (no wonder I get fed every day and get free retainers!) I'm super bummed because my favorite Elders are going home! How sad? We also had our districts mixed up! I think the reason is because one of the districts elder and sisters got a little too of the sisters told me the elders made them breakfast and brought it too them! What on this planet earth goes through their heads that would make them think its okay to do that? they've also bought them lunch several times...but I'm super excited for our new district! Elder Sims (just like my companion but not related) the black elder will be joining our district and hes SUPER funny so I can't wait! Lets see how long I stay here! 

-Love Sister LeStarge
Here's and update of my week!

It was such as busy week and I learned so much!

Monday: Preparation Day! I can't believe how fast this day flies by! We wake up at 6 :30 and throw in laundry before running (yes we're required to run here!) then we get ready for the day and switch laundry again, its such a blessing to have free laundry! After studies we usually run around getting groceries  cleaning our home and washing our car. Then it's off to the church to e-mail and play sports! After that we home to eat dinner with the family we live with (which we do every Monday). Last Monday after Dinner we presented a Family Home Evening Lesson to a Family at 7 and another at 8. We taught a lesson on faith using the Tea Bag trick. The Kids in both families were pretty amazed! I love the Members of the ward, they all have such an excitement to share the gospel!

Tuesday: Exchanges with Sister Otterstrom! We all know how much I love her! We had such a great day covering both our areas and we saw a wonderful miracle. We stopped by a mans house in her area who had previously met with Elders, but for whatever reason the man didn't like one of the Elders and told them to never come back. Sister Otterstrom felt very strongly about visiting this man. We pulled in his driveway and he was sitting on his porch, he let us pull up some chairs and talk with him. He said he loved Mormons and respected them greatly, his only struggle was with Joseph Smith. We cleared up a few confusing things and committed him to come church. Before we left we bore testimony to him that God loves all of us and He knows us all by name. The man (who was a retired Marine, big and tough) began to weep! Then Sister Otterstrom lost it too! The spirit was so strong! After we left we pulled over to give a prayer of gratitude and I began to cry! I love Sister Otterstrom and the spirit we have together. 

Wednesday: Zone Meeting! I love my zone! As I've said before I love the Elders and I love the Sisters. We were taught by the Zone Leaders how to give proper correction to our companion. I have to admit I was given a fair warning by my sibling of what a mission would be like and I feel like I was pretty prepared, but no one told me how much correction you would give or receive! I feel that I take it very well but I'm still learning to give it properly. That night we tried to visit one of our investigators but he wasn't home so we left him an assignment. We hope to baptize him this month but its up to his mom and grandparents to pick the date. 

Thursday: Sisters Conference! The mission held a special sisters conference for all the sisters serving in the mission.  We heard from President and his wife (I wish I could express how incredible they both are). We had great counsel given and we were so uplifted! (except I forgot my notes or I would tell you more!)

Friday: Exchanges again! I got to work with Hermana Wilson! Shes going home in two weeks and she's so incredible! She's exactly obedient but so super laid back I looked like a worry wart! She and I found a new investigator together! He's a retired cop we've been visiting for a while now but we taught him a lesson and set up and appointment with him for tomorrow! We also taught three member families that day and received three referrals from members! It was pretty incredible for our area!

Saturday: was super boring because all we did was weekly planning...but we did visit 2 of our 3 referrals and set up appointments to come back! At night we went to our wards "Youth auction" the youth set up a night auctioning off all kinds of things to raise money for their activities. They donate and the members donate all kinds of products and services! One sister is a professional photographer and she auctioned off a free photo shoot for a family. Another Sister is a nanny and auctioned off a weekend of babysitting. Someone brought a tandem bike and auctioned off that. It was a pretty successful night! 

Sunday: I got to talk to my family! But my biggest regret is forgetting to wish my mom a Happy Mothers Day! I just got so excited I forgot all together. Happy belated Mothers Day mom! 

I love this gospel and I'm so happy the Lord is growing in me!

Sister LeStarge

I'm so excited for this upcoming week!

This week has been so awesome! I really can't believe how fast the weeks go by here! The days are long, but time just slips between my fingers like sand. I love the work and I love my mission!! I'm so blessed to be in Fresno! This week we had a Trainer Trainee meeting and it changed my mission! President Gelwix, his assistants and the Ccoordinating Sisters gave us our training. I have deep love and respect for President Glewix, he was truly called to lead this mission and he does a fantastic job with it. His wife is so incredible too. Behind every great man is an even greater woman and Sister Gelwix is proof of that. She is full of spunk and personality while she loves and cares for all of us. While at our trainer trainee meeting President had time to meet with Sister Sims and I. He gave us counsel on the struggles we've been having and its changed my mission! He warned me of pride and the destruction it can bring to our companionship and future relationships. He warned Sister Sims of inconsistency, that it only confuse and misguide me. Together he counseled us to ask for correction multiple times a day. We've been striving our best to work with his counsel and its working! Sister Sims and I have had a great week getting along and are learning to laugh! The best part of meeting with the President was the promise he gave to us. He promised us that if we harness our personalities we could be the greatest companionship in the mission. What an amazing promise! We're working our hardest to fulfill it!
This upcoming we is going to be so busy! I can't wait! Sister Sims will be at leadership training tomorrow so I get to be companions with....drumb roll please....SISTER OTTERSTROM! (my MTC companion) I can't wait!! It's going to be the BEST DAY EVER!! I can't even describe how much I love Sister Otterstrom! I've said it before and I'll say it again, She and I will be best friends long after our missions. We'll be covering her area and mine but it shouldn't be too hard because they use to be a combined area. We've got several appointments set up so we'll be busy! On WWednesday we've got Zone meetings, Thursday is a special Sisters Cconference and exchanges (until Saturday morning), Friday we've got 4 hours of service, Saturday we've got a mission service project and Sunday is Mothers Day! Such a busy week ahead of me! So many appointments! Today Sister Sims and I get to Teach a family of 6! It's our second lesson with them and we're so excited! They have 4 children ages 21 to 12.  We can't wait to share the Gospel with them! This week we got 2 more investigators and 2 potentials!! That's great for our area but extremely low compared to the rest of our mission! I know that the Lord has people he wants me to find and teach! I love my mission and I'm working smart!
-Sister LeStarge

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

My Birthday!

This was sent 4/30/13
Hello Friends and Family!
Wow I had a such a busy week! Zone Conference, Birthday, Temple trip, and teaching my first lesson!
Zone Conference: Was incredible! I took some notes but they didn't do justice! I love President Gelwix, his counsel is inspired and he knows exactly what we need. Four zones met  together, Fresno, Fresno North (my zone), Fresno West, and Fresno East. I think we had about 80-100 missionaries. President addressed the topic of urgency. He started by telling us about his "Mission President Conference" he went to with all the California missions. L. Tom Perry was there and gave President Gelwix inspired goals just for the Fresno mission. We are to:
1. Each companion have 20 investigators each. 
2. Teach 20 lessons a week.
3. Baptize every month.
Its pretty intimidating considering my companion and I only have 7 investigators (a family of 6 and a woman). but president explained how its all a matter of faith. He called us to repentance for being disconnected to the Lord and His will. Sister Sims and I pray way more now! My favorite thing from zone conference though was a quote President said about urgency. He told us a story of his Highland Rugby team loosing the Championships of 1999. He explained the terrible loss of the team and how a young man (who was a senior) struggled to accept the loss. Presidents quote was:
"At the end of your mission you will take off your tag for the last time"
It hit me that although I'm still new to the mission, at one point I will take off my tag for the last time. This makes me want to run door to door! spreading the gospel as fast as I can! It was a pretty great conference though.
MY BIRTHDAY: MY BIRTHDAY WAS THE BEST DAY I'VE HAD SO FAR! Such an excellent day!! As you've probably noticed I didn't have preparation day on my birthday, that's because we had a temple trip scheduled for Tuesday so Tuesday became our preparation day. But on my birthday District meeting took place (we meet as a zone first) so I got to see everyone I love! And I LOVE MY ZONE! Everyone was so sweet and kind to make my birthday special. Sister Otterstrom my MTC companion made me a card and had everyone in the zone sign it. The Zone Leaders gave me a $15 gift card for Cold Stone and the Elders in the Zone made me a card with and AWESOME quote and a $15 gift card for Subway. How sweet are they?! After District meeting we typically go out to eat for lunch and I picked a place called The Habit, a pretty good burger place. An Elder picked up my lunch and a Sister bought me Ice-Cream! Wooo! I love free birthday lunches! I sat with Elder Wilson, Elder Sims and Sister Otterstrom and had a great time. Those missionaries will be some of my best friends after my mission. After that the other sisters in the zone took me over to Cold Stone for more Ice-Cream (Its my birthday, I can have 2 ice-creams?). We visited an older Sister who lives alone after lunch and taught her the first discussion (shes been a member for 24 years but we're practicing the discussions on our members). We then ran over to and investigators house for the biggest surprise a day! Her name is Lily and she's Catholic and when we arrived at her door she had a whole Birthday Dinner set up for me! The crazy part is I've only  met her 1 time!! That's right 1 time! Last Thursday we set up and appointment to teach her a lesson on Monday and my companion mentioned it was my birthday! Not only did Lily make me a whole dinner but she bought me a cake at the nicest bakery in town, that said "Happy Birthday Sister L"! Poor sweet woman couldn't even remember my name! We taught her a lesson one prayer and committed her to read the Book of Mormon and Pray about it. We also set up a church tour for this Thursday. Shes incredible! After our 1st dinner with Lily we headed over to our appointment dinner with the family we're living with! I was warned I would eat two dinners but I didn't believe it! Its funny how when you tell people its your birthday they automatically give you food. The very best part of my birthday was the package I got to open from my mom!!! SHE'S THE BEST! THE LITERAL BEST!  I wish I could have recorded myself opening it because I squealed like a pig with excitement. She sent me a beautiful new bag! (that feels like butter). How awesome is my family? Very awesome. I loved my birthday, its a day I'll tell people about for years.
I've got to go my e-mailing time is out!  
-Sister LeStarge

First Week in the Field!!

This was sent 4/15/13

Hello everyone!

Wow can you believe I've been out for 3 weeks already?! I love it! I am especially grateful for today! Preparation day! I was only allowed one in the MTC so today was needed! I've given 1 1/2 hours to email so hopefully that's enough time to tell you all about this weeks experiences! I guess the best approach would be to tackle by topics again, round 2!
Leaving the MTC: What an amazing experience I had at the MTC! I LOVED IT! So amazing, but I wouldn't have stayed there for another day! I was ready to leave. Throughout the two weeks I was there I struggled to feel the spirit. I felt good but really struggled with inviting the spirit into my teaching. Finally on our last day the spirit poured out upon me! Our teacher asked us to do an activity he did while in the MTC, promising that if we took it seriously we would be strengthened. Our goal was to read 1 Nephi 1 with our companions in 5 minute shifts, then as we read share what insights and our testimony as prompted to do so. I read first and after 5 minutes Sister Otterstrom couldn't read because tears were brought to her eyes! Once she got going I lost it and started crying! Lehi is such an amazing man and put great faith in the Lord. After crying through the chapter we had to teach our investigator. He committed to  be baptized and as soon as I returned to our classroom I felt overwhelmed by the spirit and balled! Wept! Sobbed! With a smile on my face! I was so happy! I'm sure the Elders thought I was a wacko! It was the greatest day of my mission so far. 
The next day we woke up at 3 am and for the airport! Elder Gayan and Elder Wilson (who I believe will be some of my best friends after my mission) entertained me the whole ride! I was crying I laughed so hard (which happened just about everyday with those two) In the airport I got to talk to  My Dad! (sorry mom...) how great of a comfort it was to hear someone's voice I recognized.
Our flights to Fresno were awesome! I was one of the lucky missionaries who got to sit by a real life person! I shared small messages from the gospel with two gentlemen. It gave me a confidence boost that I can do this!
THE FIELD: Fresno is beautiful! I CAN'T believe my parents never took the time to take me to Cali. That's rude. The first day was taken over by house keeping business. The first meal we had was at the mission home and it was exciting and so sad! Exciting because we were ready to go but so sad because it was my last meal with my MTC district. I'll miss them so much (although most of them are in my Zone so I get to see them once a week).
DRY CREEK: What a great name for my first area right? We're thinking of re naming it Waters of Mormon. I love this area though! Its tough, we have the lowest baptism  numbers in our mission. We have no investigators but we plan to revive the members and get them excited about missionary work. We hope they can give us some referrals. The houses are similar to my own home (as far as class goes). Most people aren't interested n  our message as we go tracting but I know we'll get someone eventually! I love the members here though, it reminds me of my own home ward (which I miss more than anything!) We've been given a car because our area is so infested with fields but we also have a bike. Its a beautiful bike that unfortunately I haven't been able to ride yet. The Sisters aren't allowed to go tracting after dark so usually we drive around to visit members. The work is tough here but that's what a mission is all about right? Our mission president likes to emphasize that we don't work hard here in the California Fresno mission, we work smart.
MY TRAINER: Sister Sims! She's from Valparaiso! Kinda...she's moved around a time or two. She's awesome though, exactly what I need. She teaches me everything but above all she teaches me patience! I've been praying to have more patience for years so here she is! She's just as tiny as I am! Well sorta...but we can swap clothes! She's been out for 9 months and trained 3 other Sisters. She's really understanding and helps me through any mistakes I might make. I love her.
MY MISSION PRESIDENT: President Larry Gelwix! Hes SO AWESOME. I'm terrified of him. BUT HES SO AWESOME! Such an inspired man and so loving. He's a couch through and through (which is why I think he's so intimidating). He's speaks so powerfully and really hits home to inspire and uplift us. I love his wife too. Behind every great man is a great woman and that's so true! She is wonderful.
I LOVE my mission. Its really the best thing that's ever happened to me. I know that this is where the Lord needs me. I have faith that in time he will reveal to me why I'm here. I love my savior Jesus Christ he is my redeemer and the only way I can get back home to my Father in Heaven.

Monday, May 13, 2013

From the MTC...

(This was sent while Julie was in the MTC...4/4/13) 

Hello Family and Friends!
Wow what a busy week at the MTC! I've decided the best way to go about telling you what I've been up to is by topic, so here goes! (also if I mention anyone's name just know I asked them for permission first!)
THE MCT: I love it! I only wish you could be here with me to have the wonderful experiences I've been so blessed to to be involved in. I am truly honored to have the opportunity to prepare for my mission here. It is so easy to feel the spirit of the Lord around so many incredible missionaries! Its is as crowded as they say, on the day I entered there were over 600 missionaries arriving, with record numbers of how even the split was (around 300 sisters and 300 elders) I don't know how many are here exactly but they tell me over 3,000. Its expected that by July they will have 8,000. The MTC has rented out a BYU apartment complex next door to house the incoming missionaries because they just don't have space! In each room you get cozy with the 6 people living in your room. Meals are especially crazy. I don't know how many of us eat at once but I would guess around 1,000. The horror stories you hear about the food are all lies, the food is pretty average but not gross and no one gets sick (if they do its in there head). My only complaint is that my meal times are so close together so I eat a big breakfast and mainly snack the rest of the day. I really do wish everyone of you was here though to have an experience like I am.
MY COMPANION: Sister Otterstrom! I love her! How blessed am I to have my first companion be so great! She is as easy going as I am so we get along perfectly! We feel the spirit when we teach investigators because we have no contention. She has huge amounts of patience for me and I try my hardest to give as I can to her.  She has a cosmetology license and does my hair every morning (isn't she sweet?!) I have truly been blessed to love and serve such a wonderful daughter of God.
MY DISTRICT: I LOVE THEM! I can't even put into words how amazing my district is! there is a deep love we have for each other and I feel they are my family here. Our district is a little smaller than most with 9 missionaries total (4 sisters and 5 elders, yes there is a trio in there!) So i'm sure that's why we're able to love and care for each other so much. I am convinced that I knew these missionaries as my brothers and Sisters before I came to earth. The trio of Elders are going to Sacramento California and the rest of us are going to Fresno! Yesterday we met a few more companionships of Elders going to Fresno as well but I'm not sure if too many more sisters are going to our area. Our district had the COOLEST experience ever last Friday that we will never forget.  Our district was chosen to participate in a special training. We learned that the curriculum that will be taught to the new English speaking missionaries, since we're only here for 2 weeks now the leaders have decided to condense the lesson material into shorter lessons (the lessons we learn, not the lessons we teach.) We acted as the gunea pigs for the whole MTC, not to mention the rest of the incoming missionaries entering the in future. As a part of our training we were taught how to give the first discussion in full length, down to one minute (in case thats all the time we'll have to teach someone we stop on our bikes!) Our training lasted all day and was so worth it! Before this training we all felt so lost! We found ourselves wondering if this is how confused we'd be or whole mission. We had no clue what to study, how to teach or even where to begin. Our special training though gave us wave of excitement to preach the Gospel! After our training I wanted to shout from the mountain tops! Run door to door! Proclaim our message of happiness to all the world! I think what made the training so great was our teacher, the MTC's head missionary trainer (I don't think that's his official title) He was incredible. I love my district they are so amazing. I now feel that I can be a great missionary.
What I love: I love this Gospel! I love the MTC! I love that I finally understand why I'm here! I love the doctrine of Jesus Christ! I love to learn! I love my Savior Jesus Christ! I love My Father in Heaven most of all.
Please feel free to write me! I would love letters or packages. My story about those goes like this: On our third day in the MTC my companion got 3 packages! 3 PACKAGES! I'm sure you could imagine how sad I felt walking back to our room carrying nothing while my companion had her arms full. However, later that day I received a package slip! YES! Someone in this world did love me! We raced back to the mail room only to discover it was closed until monday! MONDAY!? How rude. I waited out all of Easter to get my Easter package the next day. My dear sweet mother does love me though because she sent me a package (which had everything I love it it). I'll be in the MTC for another week then its out to the field! Send me letters through and I'll get the letter that very day!
-Sister LeStarge