Monday, December 16, 2013


Happy December! 

  Well another crazy week has come and gone in the life of a missionary! This week held another round of great adventure!
  I've started to see the Christmas season pop up all around me, from various Christmas lights to handing ornaments and even the first Christmas tree! One of the members we visited had a beautiful 9ft tree with white lights and red decorations. I have to admit I was a little sad I wouldn't be decorating a tree this year. But because the Lord continually sheds his mercy on His missionaries my companion and I were blessed to have been the recipients of our very own tree! The family I've lived with for the past 9 months are all angels of God. They've always taken time to make sure we're comfortable and included in their family. This week their children knocked on our door and had a 5ft tree in hand with a bag of colored lights and bag of odds and ends ornaments...with gold tinsel! What made me squeal the most was when my companion let me decorate the whole thing by myself (she knows I love to decorate so she watched and admired from the side)! Having been taught by pros, I'd say that little tree looks pretty darn good. Not the prettiest tree, but enough to warm my heart! 
 On Thanksgiving we had a whirl wind of appointments. 6 meals. 2 sisters. 1 stomach! Our stops are as follows:

8 am- Breakfast with Bishop. Chocolate milk, cinnamon rolls, eggs and toast. (ate it like a champ)
11am- 1st Dinner with a single sister and her mother. Sprite, stuffing, turkey and veggies. (still in my A game)
2pm- 2nd Dinner with Ward Mission leader and his family. Apple Cider, turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, butternut squash, rolls and jell-o. (still eating like a pro)
4pm- 1st dessert with new move in family. Eclair cake. (slowing down a bit)
5pm- 3rd dinner with favorite family. Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, sweet potato, green bean casserole, and rolls. pie to take home (having a hard time chewing and swallowing). 
6pm- final house. 2nd dessert. cheesecake and pie (so sick of eating food. but stomach isn't too angry.) 

  Disgusting right? Please don't loose all respect for me. People just love to feed us in this area. 

  We also had an awesome adventure going to the zoo this week! Whoop whoop! We got to go see "Zoo Lights" at night which were pretty cool for Christmas. It was a great day with our recent convert family and their son who's still investigating. 

Over all it was an awesome adventure filled week! What a blessing it is to serve the Lord in this time! Hora for Israel! 

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