Saturday, February 27, 2016

God Gave Me Two Legs for a Reason

Hey Everyone!

              I've got to run out the door but I wanted to make a quick post this week about an assignment I was required to do for class! The assignment was to spend 2 1/2 hours in a wheelchair! Sounds fun right? Well at least my 6 year old self wants to think so...In all reality though it was a great experience.
           Our assignment was to spend those 2 1/2 hours in a wheelchair performing various tasks. We had to experience wheeling ourselves into a restroom, push ourselves up a hill, attempt to get a drink from a drinking fountain, ask someone for assistance and a whole slew of other experiences. While I did quite enjoy the arm workout, I found a few of the tasks pretty difficult. The hardest by far was wheeling myself into the bathroom. Within the bathrooms on the 2nd and 3rd floors of the Hinkley building the bathrooms have a small lip you have to roll over in order to enter the restroom. When I say lip though I don't mean just a little ledge that looks like a tiny rap you can just use enough force to roll over, I mean an actual little ledge. Maybe a 1/4 inch off the ground, just a straight chunk of metal, it makes it almost impossible to hold open a door for yourself while rolling into the rest room, needless to say I might have had to ask for assistance on this one. Other tasks I found much simpler such as getting a drink from the drinking fountain, using the elevator and wheeling through the door after pushing the handicapped button.
        If there's one thing I learned from doing this activity, it's that God gave me two functioning legs for a reason, of which I need to be grateful for!


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