Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Let's begin again.

      Why is it that as people we create endings and beginnings? People hate endings, right? I guess it's more we hate the end of a good thing...? I know I do. Then I get in my head that I need to find the next best thing ASAP! I think we call those endorphins? Dopamine? Okay I admit I only took the first level anatomy an physiology class, so I'm not 100% sure what I'm talking about...but whatever those good feelings are called I want to get them back as soon as possible! However, what if we never stop? What if we have a good thing, and we just keep going with it? Will it still be so great after a week? A few months? Years? I'm a firm believer that yes, it can be. It will be, but only if we change and develop because of it. 
       To be honest I've developed most of this belief around my parents marriage. This winter they'll have been married 37 years, and if you asked either of them they'd tell you, that overall they're marriage has been a great thing. How is that so? So many people get divorced! Well if you grow and develop together in a positive manner, how could your marriage be anything but great?! So maybe my ideas of good things coming to an end is just a little romantic and far fetched...but I've got almost 37 years of evidence! 
        All this being said, what I'm trying to get at is even though my mission is over and my life has moved forward in the last year, I don't  need to stop writing! I still have good things to report on! For the next few months I've decided to use this space for a project my SPED 310 class has asked me to complete. Let's explore thoughts, ideas and opinions together! 
        For starters, the first week of school is always so HECTIC! Jumping back into the school routine seems to become more difficult with every passing year. However, while I'm trying to stay afloat with classes I was blessed to find some peace in this weeks homework. The four articles assigned to the class included The Doctrine of Inclusion by Elder M. Russell Ballard, The Moving of the Water by Boyd K. Packer, Concern for the One by Joseph B. Wirthlin and Drenched in Gratitude by David A Bednar. While each of these talks was incredible alone, what really impressed me was how well they bridged together. Such a beautiful understanding can be gained of the compassion we need to have for our neighbors (which by the way is everyone!). I'll admit even in reading these talks I felt a small call to repentance from the Spirit! But hey, we can all do a little better right? Although my mission is completed, and I'm in the next phase of my life, I'm still striving everyday to be more Christ like. I know He is my Savior, and each day I rely on Him, I take a small step in His direction!


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