Saturday, April 26, 2014

Easter and Baptisms

Well I guess Happy Belated Easter everyone?!
It's a pretty great day to be a Mormon missionary. Really everyday is but today especially! We had a pretty great week this week with the only down fall of the dreaded transfer calls, that are tearing my beloved companion Sister Olson away from me. How sad. 
  This week was a wonderful week as we prepared for Easter! We attended a baptism for our district leader's area, in which we invited one of our most promising investigators. The baptism was suppose to  be held at 7:30 but got pushed to 8:15 because of another baptism that went over (in fact we had 3 baptisms that day for our zone but the first went late so they all ran over on time). It ended up being perfect timing because our investigator was late! She loved the service and really felt the spirit. Although we had to explain what the spirit was to her since she could only describe it as a good feeling. It was a great baptism, full of the spirit due to the investigator having had a major change of life while in the process of investigating. Our investigator loved the whole thing and committed to be baptized at the end! Now we just have to teach her the lessons! 
Our Easter was pretty wonderful as well. We had a wonderful "passover" dinner at our bishops house (with his 5 sons all under the age of 12 who are quite the rambunctious crew). Usually the family eats that meal the Thursday before Easter, but being out of town this week they moved it to actual Easter day! It was quite the experience. We were also blessed to get a giant Easter basket! I love young married couples with no children! The same sister who cut my hair for me, delivered us a giant basket full of candies (that I've already given away), shower gels, expensive hair products and more! It was quite wonderful!
We had a wonderful week and I am grateful to be here in the CFM serving my Lord and God!
I love and miss you
Sister LeStarge

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

New haircut!

Sister Olson, Sister Crandall and me, after Conference. I got a free haircut from a member this week!